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Hitting Emily’s number, I held my breath and waited for her to answer.

“H-hello. Noah, is everything okay?” I knew every time the phone rang Emily was on edge. Each time I’d delivered a normal update. This time I had to tell my baby sister that our mother was going to die soon.

And only God knew when.


Sitting on the sofa in the living room, I rubbed the palms of my hands down my jeans again. Noah and Emily were in with their mother. Lisa had held on for another few weeks, but had taken a drastic turn for the worse. Every time I left for school, I prayed that Noah wouldn’t be here alone if it happened. Each night I came home, Noah took an Ativan and slept for a few hours. I was scared to death at the little amount of sleep he was living on. Plus the fact that I wasn’t sure how long he had been taking the Ativan. The longer he stayed on it, the worse it would be to stop taking it.

Glancing over to my right, I looked at all the boxes I’d brought with me from College Station. I’d gone back to College Station this past weekend to help Alex and Will pack up the house. It was Thanksgiving break and after that, it was two more weeks of school and then finals. Commencement was December eighteenth. After that, I had no idea what I was going to do. Did I stay here with Noah and wait? Or did I go to Mason and start helping Alex with our new flower nursery?

Standing up, I let out a long drawn-out sigh. My phone went off as I looked to see it was text from Alex.

Alex: Everyone wishes you were here, but we understand.

Feeling tears build up in my eyes, I squeezed them shut. “Please don’t let her die on Thanksgiving. Please.” I prayed as I hit reply.

Me: I’m scared, Alex. I don’t know what this is going to do to Noah.

Alex replied almost within seconds.

Alex: He’s going to fall apart, Grace. Just be there to catch him.

Smiling, I ran my finger over the text message. If anyone knew what it was like to lose a part of them, it was Alex.

Me: Alex, I love you. Have Will kiss your tummy!

Alex: I love you too. I certainly will. Your mom would love a call I’m sure.

Sighing, I dropped my phone down to my side. I hadn’t talked to either of my parents since I moved in with Noah. I wanted desperately to call her. My father was furious with me because I moved out of the house in College Station and in with Noah. My mother was more understanding. She didn’t like that I was adding more stress to my life, but she got why I was doing it.

My finger hovered above the number as I tried to decide what to do. Pulling my hand back, I looked for another number.

Only ringing twice, Meagan promptly answered.

“Hey, is everything okay? I’m driving back to Austin right now.”

Grinning, I sat back on the sofa and pulled my knees into my chest. “Hey. No, Meg. It’s not okay. Hospice said she only has a few hours left to live. Noah and his sister have been in with her for the last two hours. I don’t know if I should stay out here or go inside.”

“Is she in a coma?” Meg asked.

My eyes burned as I fought to control my tears. “Y-yes.”

“Grace, you need to go in. You need to be a part of this. To say goodbye and let Noah’s mother know you’re going to be there for him. I’m about forty minutes away. I have Noah’s address plugged into my GPS. I’ll text before I get there.”

Nodding my head, even though I knew she could see me. I mumbled, “O-okay. Be careful.”

There was a slight sniffle on the other end of the phone. I knew Meagan wasn’t used to hearing me sound so defeated. I wasn’t used to hearing it myself.

“I will be, sweets. See you soon.”


Hitting End, I stood up and took in a few deep-cleansing breaths. Closing my eyes, I dug deep down inside to find the strength I knew I needed.

Opening my eyes, I made my way to the room. I knocked softly on the door as I opened it. My eyes looked between Noah and Emily and I couldn’t help but notice how defeated Emily looked. Noah stood next to his mother as he spoke softly into his mother’s ear.

Quickly glancing to my left, I saw Angela. She wiped a tear away and gave me a sweet smile. I’d come to really like her in the last few weeks. Her heart was beyond amazing and I felt foolish for the jealousy that raced through my body when I first met her.

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