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She drove very slowly toward the twin pillars marking his driveway, searching the trees for any sign of cameras or Ramsey. She saw neither.

She slowed at the pillars and then turned up the long tree-lined driveway that stretched almost a quarter of a mile. When she saw the house nestled against the ground, tension twisted every muscle in her body.

“I don’t see signs of the van,” she muttered. “House is as Andy described. One story. Windows are shuttered. No shrubs around the house.”

“I can see the house,” he said. “Mecum has a clear view of the driveway from his porch. You’re in a bottleneck.”

“I know.” She parked and stepped out of the car. She held out her hands and shouted, “I’m here!”

Wind whistled through the trees, rustling the leaves. Branches creaked. The house remained still and quiet. Her skin crawled. Wherever he was, he was watching.

“Be cool,” Ramsey said.

She did not respond. Her heart hammered in her chest.

And then the front door opened slowly. She saw Mecum’s outline. He did not speak, but she knew the open door was not an invitation. It was an order.

And then Elena stumbled into view as Mecum pulled her forward. The girl looked so small and her face was tight with fear. Tears streaked her cheeks.

As tempted as Melina was to race inside and see Elena, she held her ground. Once she stepped inside that house, her tactical advantage would be greatly diminished.

“Melina?” Her voice was heavy with sleep and brittle with fear.

“I’m right out here, Elena,” she said. “Come to me.”

“I can’t.” The child started to weep. “Please come get me.”

Melina took two steps toward the house.

“Careful,” Ramsey warned. “Careful. I’ve got a bead on him.”

She paused before she climbed the porch’s front steps. “I’m not moving until you show yourself, Mecum.”

Silence crackled and then Elena vanished from sight and screamed.

Melina pulled her weapon. “Show your face,” she growled.

“That’s not how this game works.” The voice that came from the house was deep and smooth. It sounded more suited to a boardroom. “First, turn the car around and pop the trunk and open all the doors. I want to make sure you’re alone.”

She slid back behind the wheel and moved the car around. As instructed, she opened the trunk and all the doors. “See, it’s empty.”

“Very good, Melina. We’re going to get along well if you can keep following orders.”

“How does it work?” she asked.

“You come inside and visit for a spell.”

“As soon as I see Elena. I need to know she’s all right.”

More silence crackled.

“His tone is arrogant,” Ramsey whispered. “He believes he has all the cards. Hold your ground until you see the child.”

“Show me Elena,” Melina shouted.

“Drop your weapon,” the man said.

Melina removed her SIG from the holster and set it on the porch.

“Any knives?” He sounded almost amused.

She removed a switchblade from her boot and set it next to the SIG. She dangled her cuffs from her finger.

“What else?” he coaxed.

“That’s it.”

“Take your clothes off,” Mecum ordered. “I need to be sure.”

She didn’t move.

“I’ve all night,” he said. “But I’m not sure you do.”

“Let me see her.”

The door creaked open a little wider, and the little girl stepped onto the threshold. She looked sleepy, her eyes red and her cheeks streaked with tears.

“I had to crack an ammonia capsule to wake her up. She was out cold,” Mecum said.

“Do as he says,” Ramsey said quietly.

She smiled at Elena. “It’s going to be okay.”

“I’m scared,” Elena said.

“Nothing to be scared of, honey.” Melina dropped the cuffs and shrugged off her jacket, and then dropped it to the ground.

“I beg to differ,” Mecum said.

Melina concentrated on keeping her expression mild and relaxed as she looked at Elena. She winked at the child and then shifted her gaze to inside the cabin door where Mecum lurked.

“How many?” she said. “How many so-called dates did you have?”

She felt him studying her from the shadows. “Why do you want to know? It’s just you and me now.”

“Just curious.” She began to unbutton her shirt slowly. “I could tell by the setup in your van that you know what you’re doing.”

“I’m well versed,” he said. “But if you think we’re going to have a heartfelt conversation, you’re wrong. You’re not as smart as me, but I bet you’re wearing a wire.”

When she had first encountered him, he had been looking for a prostitute. He had been looking for sex and most importantly control. She removed her blouse and dropped it to the ground. The warm evening air brushed across her bare skin. “No wire.” She reached for the strap of her bra and lowered it slowly to her shoulder.

His gaze shifted to her chest and darkened with an intense energy.

Running her hand over her breast, she toyed with the clasp between her breasts. “See? No wire.”

“I’m not convinced,” he said.

She knew he wanted to see her breasts, so instead of removing the bra she started on her slacks. She unfastened the top button and unzipped them as she toed off her shoes. “I’ll take it all off for you, if you let the girl go.”

Elena stared at her, and though Mecum said nothing, she could feel his gaze on her.

“You’re a tease,” he said.

“You want me to stop?” she challenged.

“Keep going,” he ordered.

The pants slid down her legs and collected around her ankles. Slowly, she stepped out of them and kicked them aside so she would be unencumbered by them if she needed to move quickly. She arched her back, giving him a better view of her breasts.

Mecum stepped outside.

He was dressed in pressed khakis and a blue button-down shirt. He was clean shaven, and his hair was neatly trimmed and brushed off his face. He held a very long shiny hunting blade to the girl’s side.

“Very nice, Melina,” he said. “What else can you show me?”

She narrowed her focus to his face, shutting out Elena’s fear. “This is your show. You tell me.”

He gently brushed his hand over the little girl’s head, pushing back a strand of dark hair. “She’s a pretty little thing. She could be your child. Is she related to you?”


“You care about her a lot. So did Sonny.”

“You killed Bonnie and Sonny?”

“I was doing you a favor. This should please you.”

“I’m moving on the count of three. One.” Ramsey’s voice whispered in her ear.

She reached for the second strap of her bra and coaxed it down her shoulder. She took another step closer, knowing the cups of her bra had loosened and her breasts looked as if they would tumble out.

Mecum’s gaze dropped to her breasts. He tightened his grip on the knife handle, but the tip eased away from the child as his attention shifted more to her.

“You like what you see?” she said.

“You know I do,” Mecum said.

“Two,” Ramsey said.

“We’ll get this party started as soon as you set Elena free.” She knew Ramsey was close but did not dare a glance toward the woods.

Mecum released the girl. The move was not conciliatory, but slightly condescending. He thought he was toying with Melina. “I can be nice.”

“So can I,” she said. “If you do it my way. I saw what was in your van, and I’m not afraid. I’m intrigued.”

He moistened his lips. “You’re a tough one. It’s going to be a pleasure breaking you. Wait until little Elena hears you cry in pain.”

“Draw him out more. I can’t get a clear shot,” Ramsey whispered.

“Is that a yes or a no?” she asked.

“There’s plenty of time for that.” Mecum stepped forward, pulling the girl with him. They were less than a few feet from Melina.

The next few seconds played out in slow motion. Mecum stepped away from Elena, edging across the porch toward her like a crouched mountain lion stalking prey. Elena drew back, grateful to have Mecum’s attention off of her. Melina held Mecum’s gaze. She cupped her breast, feeling more naked without her gun than her blouse. Mecum approached her, moving farther away from the door.

“Three!” Ramsey shouted.

A gunshot fired and Mecum took a step back. The bullet grazed his shoulder. In the movies, bodies recoiled when a bullet entered the body. However, in real life, humans often held steady. Instead of falling, they kept moving forward as adrenaline kicked into high gear.

Mecum did exactly that. He staggered, glanced briefly at the blooming blood on his shirt, and then whirled around, grabbing Elena and dragging her to her feet. He raised the knife, ready to stab her in the chest.

Melina scooped her knife off the ground, and with the flick of a switch, the blade popped open. Mecum gripped the girl’s hair and dragged her back in the house.

This close range, she could kill him as quickly with a knife as a gun.

Yelling in fury, he lashed his blade toward Melina, gouging her side. Pain seared through the adrenaline as she raised the knife and drove it into his chest.

Mecum raised his gaze to her, his fury exploding. “Bitch.”

She stood, hands flexed, Mecum’s blood dripping from her fingers. “Back at you.”

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