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“Meet me at my house.” I bit my lip, glanced around, and then smiled at them, a little nervously. “I have a surprise for you.”

They didn’t even take a couple of seconds to consider, giving their answer immediately.

“We’ll be there in twenty minutes.”

I grinned at them, adding a little sway to my hips as I turned and walked away. Any other time I would have felt ridiculous, but I heard one of them growl behind me, and I couldn’t help the grin spreading wider on my face. I probably looked like a loon, but I couldn’t help myself.

No one stopped me as I left the party. Of course, no one was really paying attention to me, any more than I’d ever had, which wasn’t much at all, to begin with. I did go around and look for the few people I called friends, quickly made my excuses before going on my way.

I didn’t even bother looking for Mom to tell her I was leaving. After that comment earlier, if she expected me to still stick around, she was an idiot. I just plain didn’t care what she thought anymore because I was growing tired of her letting me down.

But I was too excited to let thoughts of her ruin it for me. I planned on making the time unforgettable for all of us, just like every other time I’d had with them.

Even though I hadn’t been sure I woul

d approach them, I’d packed some sexy lingerie while hoping I’d get it on with the boys. Maybe I’d been planning it the whole time without consciously thinking about it. Either way, I was going to have fun with it.

I was going to let my hair down. I was a qualified doctor and I was proud of my achievements. Whatever failings Mom still found in me didn’t matter in the face of that.

Chapter Twenty-One


We weren’t being very discreet.

When Emma walked off with that swing to her hips, it took all I had not to just grab her and run. I couldn’t get her swaying ass out of my mind. Better yet, seeing it naked. We went around the place for a little bit, and we both saw Dad but didn’t bother to approach him.

“I think it’s too obvious what we’re up to,” Abe muttered, but as I left the reception, he went with me. We hadn’t even lasted ten minutes, and it wasn’t that long a walk to Emma’s place.

We’d both missed Emma like crazy. Abe, always the voice of reason between the two of us, wouldn’t admit it, but I didn’t need to hear it from him. His actions spoke loud and clear.

Getting away for us wasn’t as simple as it was for Emma, though. Dad wouldn’t have cared if we’d driven off into the sunset, but a lot of the women kept stopping us for a chat, asking Abe for a dance. I was lucky I had the excuse of my injury to get out of it.

To be fair, some of the guys stopped to chat, too, mostly about our career. And a few of the women were people we knew from when we were all kids, some even dating back to kindergarten. I wouldn’t say we were close with any of them in particular, a few of them were even exes of mine—if I could really call them that, considering we just had sex and went our separate ways.

I couldn’t keep up ‘charming’ for long, though, not when we had Emma waiting for us. After she left, even my brother cut off the politeness, giving everyone an excuse they’d buy.

“I could stick around longer, I don’t really mind. But I just hurt my arm. Carl injured his leg and he’s been standing around too long. I think he needs to go home and lie down. And I have to go with to make sure lying down is all he’s doing.”

I didn’t even care that he used me as the excuse. Some of the guys laughed, a few of women caught the innuendo and shot me interested looks. I’d just smile and shrug, and in no time at all, we were leaving. I didn’t try to disguise the limp, making it a little pronounced, even leaning on Abe, and no one else stopped us.

Once we were away from the rest of the party, I pushed off my brother, walking somewhat normally. He narrowed his eyes at me, suspicious.

“Honestly, just how bad does your leg really hurt?”

“I’m fine, Mom.” I rolled my eyes. “It really isn’t that bad, though. At least, I can survive with it for a few hours.”

“We could…”

“If you’re about to suggest we do anything other than showing up at Emma’s place like she wanted us to, I am going to hit you.”

He grumbled, but he kept his mouth shut the rest of the way.

We turned up at the house, and I knocked on the door, waiting impatiently for her to open or tell us to come in. I waited maybe a minute before I was reaching for the door handle. It wasn’t even locked. I pushed inside, Abe right behind me. We looked around, but couldn’t see, or hear anybody, but then something caught our attention.

There was a shoe at the foot of the stairs, and we moved for a closer look. I hadn’t seen what Emma was wearing on her feet, but it was the same color as the dress, so it must have been hers. I looked up the steps and saw the other one.

I shared a look with Abe and we both grinned.

“Think she’s trying to tell us something?”

“I don’t know, bro. Maybe they just fell off.”

I picked the first shoe, and he got the second. One the upper floor, there was a door open, the pink dress that Emma had been wearing not too long ago peeking out, on the floor. We went forward, both reached for it at the same time, and Abe pushed the door open wider.

Oh, fuck.

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