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Emma was waiting inside, lying on the bed, flat on her back. She wasn’t naked, but she wasn’t just wearing a bra and panties, either. The sheer black material of her lingerie didn’t hide much. Not that she was even trying, her breasts pushing out of the top. And when she brought her knees up, widened her legs and planted her feet on the bed, I could see her, pink and glistening between her thighs. No panties.

Emma looked like a woman lying ready for action.

We both took a moment to appreciate the sight in front of us. She was just begging to be ravished, and I wouldn’t mind giving her exactly what she wanted. Who was going to go first this time, what positions were we going to take?

I turned to Abe with a considering look. Wordlessly, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a coin. He held it up, and I nodded.

It should have been ridiculous, flipping a coin at a time like this, but neither of us cared.

“You guys don’t have to do that.”

We stopped, turned to Emma. She smiled, seductive, threw her arms over her head and arched her body deliciously. I might have whimpered a little.

“I can handle you both. All you have to do is share.”

Fuck. I was going to cream my pants before we got anywhere.

With that thought in mind, I started tearing at my clothes, Abe doing the same. We probably wrinkled the suits, but they were paid, not rented. It was way too much money to shell out, but we Dad had insisted since we could afford it. It wasn’t like we would ever need them again, anyway.

I started for the bed before I was finished, feeling more than excited.

Chapter Twenty-Two


In no time at all, we were all naked and on the bed.

Abe had mentioned something about me never giving him a blow job. It surprised me to realize it was true. So, I had him on his knees in front of me, while I sat down on Carl’s cock. I still had the lingerie on, they didn’t seem to care as long as their hands could get to the most important parts; on my breasts, and between my legs. I fucked myself on Carl’s cock, and Abe fucked my mouth.

That was how my mother caught us.

If any of us had been paying attention, we might have heard her feet coming up the stairs. But we were all too preoccupied, lost in each other as we usually were, to really be paying attention to anything else.

None of us missed the door, though, and there was some cursing, then a scramble for discarded clothes and sheets, but I’m pretty sure my mom got an eyeful. I had the sheet up, covering my front, and part of Carl, while Abe pulled had slid to the edge of the bed and was pulling on his pants.

Mom didn’t look at the other two, her eyes on me. I didn’t know if it was because she didn’t want to see the two naked young men, children of her husband, or she couldn’t pay attention to anyone else in the room.

I didn’t like being her target of focus. I just sat there awkwardly on my knees, my eyes skittering all over the room, anywhere but meeting her eyes, my face flushed more in embarrassment than lingering pleasure.

“Really, Emma.”

Her voice was low, and it was hard to judge exactly what she was feeling, but I still flinched at the amount of disappointment she managed to fit behind my name.

“I suspected something was going on, but I would never have expected this. Is this what you’re so proud of? What you want me to be proud of?”

I had never seen her so mad, she was practically red in the face and spitting the words out at me like barbs. They hit their mark, and they hurt like hell.

“How dare you do this kind of thing under my roof. This was a bedroom meant for a child, but you aren’t that anymore. The least you could have done was go to the hotel and pay for a room there.” She sneered, leaning closer, stance threatening, causing me to lean back. “You are nothing but a whore, Emma. I am ashamed that you still use your father’s last name. I want nothing more to do with you.”

She wiped at tears

streaming down her face, while I still sat there, shell-shocked.

“I won’t throw you all out as you are, though I am really tempted to. But this is my wedding day and I don’t want you ruining it for me with a scandal. You will get your things, and you will get out of this house. I will not see you here again.”

It wasn’t anything I hadn’t expected, yet why did I feel surprised? I met her eyes, and I knew she meant it. She would throw me out of her life, and she wouldn’t regret it.

For a second, I was stumped. And then I felt a little angry. After all the hell she put me through, how the hell did she get off acting the injured party to me. I couldn’t blame her for everything, no, but she wasn’t exactly winning any Mother of the Year Awards either.

I could tell the boys were embarrassed, and I was feeling the shame. I somehow still found the space to be angry.

“I know you’re jealous,” I blurted without thinking, but once the words spilled out, I couldn’t stop. “You’ve made it clear from the time I went to medical school. I have tried everything to try and get you to love me, but all you ever see is a fault in everything I do. I worked my ass off to become a doctor, and you act like it’s something I did out of spite just to show you up. I have tried everything since I was a freaking teenager, and it never happened. I don’t know what it is you want from me, and frankly, I no longer care.”

I couldn’t keep the tears out of my voice, but I could stop them from falling. I couldn’t remember the last time I cried, sometime in high school, and I wasn’t about to do it just then, whether it would give her satisfaction to see she had finally broken me, or not.

But then I met her eyes, and I noticed they were wet, too, only she let her tears come freely instead of wiping them away as they fell.

“Every time I look at you, all I can think of is your dead father, Emma. You have no idea just how much you look like him. We have photos, but I never wanted you to see, so I hid them. I can’t love you because all you have ever done is remind me of what I had and lost. It’s like constantly seeing his ghost. And I have lived with that for the past twenty-six years, you selfish little brat.”

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