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Don’t back down now.

I’ve come too far to let everything go.

Thinking about the kiss the night before, her body quivered in a mixture of excitement and fear. His passion was far more extreme than she ever imagined. The way his lips nipped at hers along with the grip of his hand in her hair was intoxicating. Her excitement built at the prospect of what they were about to do. She did not want to mess their time up. One wrong move and he’d scarper. Paul was putting his friendship with Mitch on the line for her.

Once she settled into bed last night she couldn’t get Paul and his passion out of mind. Rachel didn’t have a clue what to expect, and she wouldn’t get any answers from her questions without asking him. The one thing she could guarantee was to trust him.

Cutting thoughts of him with other women out of her mind, Rachel returned her gaze to the gate.

Shaking her head at her waiting, Rachel made her way back into her house. She would appear too eager waiting for him on her front porch. Moving to her kitchen, she washed out her cup before going through to her sitting room and collapsing on the sofa.

She resisted the urge to bite her nails as the time went by. Nerves were nipping at her demanding that she cancel everything planned with Paul.

The bravery of last night vanished, and what was left was a nervous pathetic excuse of a woman.

Should she run, get out of there as fast as she could without being detected?

Why am I running?

I love Paul.

I want to be with him.

Running is not the answer.

Keeping her butt on the sofa she waited as the time ticked on by.

Her nerves turned to impatience.

When was he going to get there?

Tapping her fingers on the sofa her impatience grew. It was only a little after seven. Mitch had phoned earlier in the day to ask how she was doing.

Mitch advised her to go to Paul if she needed anything. At the time she’d been taking a drink of coffee, which ended up all over the counter.

The time went by, and she got up from the sofa and started to pace the hallway, looking into the sitting room as her gaze strayed to the clock. Would he even bother coming? Her thoughts were getting more erratic as the time went on.

Had he even given her a time other than night?

God, she was a mess. Pacing, practically rubbing out the carpet waiting for the guy she had waited on for most of her life.

She shook her head and went to leave the hall, giving up on him, when she jumped out of her skin.

The doorbell pinged.

Swallowing, checking her hair, and trying to calm her rapidly beating heart, Rachel went to the door to check to make sure it was him. Her heart lifted at the sight of Paul with a bag flung over his shoulder. Without thinking twice she opened the door.

He filled the doorway. His huge muscled body looked tense and waiting.

Waiting for what, she wondered?

“Hello.” She croaked the word as her mouth suddenly felt dry, and her palms were all sweaty.

“Are you going to invite me in?” His hot voice was practically singing to her.

She hesitated. If she let him through that door there was no turning back. “Come on in.” Rachel moved out of the way and let him past. She could not give him up no matter what her brother might think.

The door clicked shut, and silence descended in the hallway.

“I didn’t think you were coming,” she said, trying to break the ice.

“I told you to trust me, Rachel. When I say something I mean the words I speak. I was coming to you, but I didn’t give you a time. Next time I’ll give you a time,” he said, dropping his bag onto the floor. His bag landed with a hard thump. Rachel gasped as the sudden, abrupt noise made her jump.

“Next time?” she asked, glancing at his bag and then at him.

“Of course there’ll be a next time. You don’t think you’ll learn everything in one night, do you?”

He moved closer. Part of Rachel wanted to move back away from him. She couldn’t find her feet to move. They seemed to be solid and stay put where she stood.

Paul reached out stroking a finger down her face. Closing her eyes she enjoyed the feel of his touch. His finger traced down to her collarbone, and his whole palm rested over the pulse of her neck.

She felt his breath fan across her face. He was so close.

“Take your clothes off,” he said, whispering the words against her ear. Jerking back, Rachel gasped and opened her eyes, searching his. He gave nothing away. There was no emotion on his face at all.

“W-what?” She hadn’t stuttered in so long. Her heart fluttered inside her chest.

“Take your clothes off. I want to see you naked once again. Last night wasn’t nearly long enough for me to get my fill of you.” He fingered the collar of her shirt then took a step back from her.

Rachel stood staring at him unsure what to do. His eyes stayed on her as he waited for her to comply. Licking her lips Rachel kept her gaze on his as she removed her clothes. Each layer she took off made her pussy melt. His pupils dilated, the only sign he was affected by her getting undressed.

No longer hesitating over her reactions, she quickly got naked in front of him, leaving all of her clothes in a pile to the side. Locking her fingers together, she rested her hands at the front.

“You take orders well,” he said. “Next time don’t question me. Just remove your clothes.” He stepped closer once again. She watched as he reached behind and flicked the clip open holding her hair. The long locks fell down around her. “I love your hair. I don’t want you to get it cut ever.”

“I won’t,” she promised.

He inhaled some of her scent and then stepped back. “I can’t wait for the day when you’ll tease me while removing your clothes,” he said.

“You mean a strip-tease?”


“I’m not a whore. I will never ask for money for sex,” she said, folding her arms across her chest.

“I’d never pay you. Strippers are not whores, Rachel. A lot of pleasure can be had if you let go of some of your inhibitions. Like I said, soon you will tease me with how you strip, and you’ll love it.” Rachel nibbled on her lip while thinking over his words. Could she get off on teasing him as she got naked? She didn’t think it was possible, but if it made him hot then she’d be more than happy to do it.

Paul clicked his fingers, gaining her attention, and once he held her, he started removing his clothes.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“I’m getting naked. It’s only fair.”

She watched, fascinated as he got naked. Paul didn’t linger on each item. He was quick until he stood before her naked.

He made her mouth water. His body was rippled with muscles. All the years he’d been working on cars and going to the local gym had paid off. He looked so damn sexy, powerful, and in control. She thought about the images she’d seen on the erotic books she read and the ones she found online. Paul reminded her of those images.

Hard muscles, smooth skin, rock hard cock, and sexy male filled her hallway. Her hallway had never looked more appealing than it did in that moment.

She was fascinated by him. His body was the total opposite of hers. She was soft while he was hard. Her gaze travelled down his body once again. His cock stood up proud and jutted out from among dark pubic curls. The strength in his legs made her wonder if he could pick her up. Paul hadn’t tried in so long. There was the time when she’d fallen over when she was younger and he’d carried her home for her mother to make it all better. That memory was a long time ago.
