Page 150 of Emperor of Rage

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“Well, duh, obviously. But no one knows the specifics. I don’t even think Kenzo does.”

I say nothing. She frowns and turns toward me.

“Wait, why does that silence sound like you do.”

I lift my shoulders. “They’re…pretty huge demons,” I say quietly.

Annika sits up. “He really told you about his past?”

I nod glumly.

“Wow.” Annika’s brows arch. “That’s…not something he does. At least, according to Kenzo.” She shakes her head. “That’s what makes this even weirder to me. He told you all of that, which he tellsnobody, but then he’s also using you to get to Kir? It doesn’t check out. I’m genuinely confused by it.”

“Yeah, well, you and me both,” I mutter, pulling my knees to my chest. “Butit is what it is,” I say bitterly. “I was just a way for Mal to get closer to Kir.”

Annika shakes her head. “I’m just still saying. This doesn’t add up.”

I let out a long sigh. “I don’t know what to believe anymore. But I know I can’t be here right now.”

Annika gives me a sad smile, reaching over to squeeze my hand. “I hate that you’re leaving, but I get it. You need to clear your head, and Kyoto’s not exactly the place for it.”

I sigh. “Nope. And, yeah, sorry about kicking your husband out.” I smile at her. “Thanks for letting me crash here and steal you and your bed from him.”

“Ride or die, bitch,” she winks at me. “You know you’re always welcome in my bed. I mean, metaphorically speaking.”

I laugh, rolling my eyes, and the knot in my chest loosens just a little. “I’ll miss this. Us.”

Annika shrugs, trying to be nonchalant, but I can see the emotion in her eyes. “You better call me every day, okay?”

“I will,” I promise.

I’ve spenta few days pushing aside the guilt of keeping Annika from Kenzo. But once it’s out there, it’s impossible not to think what a bummer it is that I’m continuing to do it. So I venture out to find them and announce that I’m spending the night in someotherroom in the house, and that Kenzo is welcome to bed his bride in his own room again.

Annika groans and hides her blushing face in her hands.

Kenzo fist-pumps the air and gives me areallyhuge hug.

I find Hana in her usual spot in the library, looking her usual ridiculously put-together self: silvery bleach-blonde hairutterlystraight and perfect, her usual go-to monochrome, dark futuristic aesthetictotallyon point.

She glances up when I walk in, and from the look on her face, I’m guess she knows all about what’s been going on. She neatly shuts her laptop and steeples her hands on the desk, tilting her head to the side as she studies me.

“You,” she finally says, “look like you need a drink.”

I grin. “Desperately.”

She smiles. “Let’s hit Kiyamachi Street.”

Kyoto isn’t exactly known for its wild and crazy nightlife. Osaka, just over an hour away, is where you’d go for that. But if youdowant to stay in Kyoto for your night out, you can still have a great time. And Kiyamachi Street is the place to go.

“Which of your brother’s guards should we ask to drive us? They all dislike me equally, so, dealer’s choice.”

Hana snickers. “Kenzo’s guys don’t likeanyone. Screw ’em. Besides, I have a way more fun idea.”

Hana’s “way more fun idea” turns out to be grabbing two of Takeshi’s bikes from the garage to get into town. Hana’s go-to ride is still a wreck from the crash that day Annika was taken. But Tak has a whole stable of barely or not-even street legal bikes for us to choose from, after promising him we won’t fuck them up.

I’m grabbing a helmet from the shelf on the wall of the garage when my phone dings and a new message pops up.


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