Page 151 of Emperor of Rage

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Hey girl! Guess where I am?! Kyoto! Just got in for some work. We should meet up while I’m here!

I blink at my screen, grinning in surprise.


That’s crazy! I’d love to meet up, but I’m leaving tomorrow!


Oh no! That’s too bad. Could we do tonight? I’m working until late, but you did say you keep late hours. Let me know?

I grin. I know I won’t be outthatlate with Hana. She’s got work in the morning, and that girl keeps to her schedule like she’s a one-woman military operation. She goes to bed at a normal,regular time, gets her eight hours, and wakes up ready to grab the day by the balls.

Yeah, I have amajorenvy-crush on that chick.


Totally! I’m headed out now to get a drink with a friend. But let me know when you’re done and we can hang out. Fair warning—I’m not great company right now.


Oh no! What happened?

I hesitate. How much do I really want to share? Cain and I are close in an online sense, but Mal… That’s a whole other story. Still, I could use someone to vent to.


I was sort of seeing someone. It ended VERY badly.


Oh Freya, that sucks. U okay?


Not really, but I’ll get there. I think I just need to get out of my own head.


Well, I’m here for that! I’ll text you when I’m done with the job and then I’ll help you get out of that funk.

I smile at the screen.


Sounds good. See you in a bit.

The cool evening air whips past us as Hana and I roar down the mountain roads into Kyoto. Hana takes me on a scenic route through much of the old city, which I know is her way of giving me a last little tour before I leave tomorrow.

We get to Kiyamachi Street and grab an outdoor table on the back patio at a really cool cocktail place called Samurai Mac’s.

The drinks are elaborate and, okay, maybe alittlepretentious. But they’re alsostrong, and just one is enough to loosen the edges of my anxiety. It feels good to be out in the world, even if my insides are still tangled in knots.

We have one more round, then park the bikes and start walking through a lively part of town. Neon lights flash above us, and the streets are packed with people—locals, tourists. For a moment, it feels like I can breathe again.

Then I stop cold.

Hana keeps walking, oblivious to the fact that I’ve come to a dead stop, just staring at the wall of the building next to me. But it’s not the wall, or the building, that I’m looking at.

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