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“No. This is...personal,” I replied.

“I’m not a private investigator. If you want one, I can recommend a few,” he stated.

“I need this to be kept quiet.”

Bennett raised a brow. “Give me a few details and I’ll decide if I can help you.”

You mean, if you’ll help me.

He was busy. Hell, he not only handled the security for the resort but seemed to be very involved in Tabiq’s overall security. I had asked Orion about it, and he had just said that Bennett had connections and training that no one in Tabiq did.

“Crystal Blake. She’s a guest here.”

“I know,” he replied.

“Why is she here?” I asked.

“Vacation.” He glared at me for a moment, then asked, “What do you believe? She isn’t?”

“I never said that,” I stated firmly. He was putting words in my mouth.

“Your body language did.”

Damn. You are good.

“I asked her what brought her here and she didn’t answer right away. Like she had to think about the answer,” I said.

He crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. “I can only tell you that there is nothing about her that caused suspicion when she booked her stay. Maybe she was just reluctant to tellyouwhy she is here. I mean, does she know you?” I shook my head. “So, a strange man who she just met in a foreign country might have made her a bit nervous. Cut her some slack. If you see anything concerning besides that then please let me know.”

“Kathy invited her to Orion and Raya’s. She said yes,” I said.

Bennett chuckled. “Okay. Let me make sure I got this right. She accepted an invitation and didn’t invite herself?”


“Did you want her to say no?” he asked.

“I guess I was just surprised that she said yes,” I explained.

“Have you considered that she accepted the invitation because she didn’t know how to decline it? I mean, I know my wife Zoey has done that a few times. Women don’t always say what they want, and sometimes say what they think you want them to say.”

“Damn it, Bennett. You make it sound as though women are hard to figure out. I did that years ago,” I grinned.

He laughed. “So says the single guy. Tell me that once you’re married.”

“That’s never going to happen. I'm happy with my life the way it is,” I stated.

“Until you meet the right one. Then, your life will never be the same and you won’t even care because the best times of your life are ahead of you.”

“God, you sound like Orion. It’s like you two are possessed or something. Have you forgotten what it is like to be able to come home to a quiet house and do what you want? Grab a cold beer, turn on the television, and watch without any interruptions. It’s wonderful,” I sighed.

“Until the day your child is born, and the doctor hands them to you. You look into their eyes, and...”

“I know. Your life changes and you don’t care.” I got up and said, “Thanks for meeting with me.”

“I’m serious, Mayson. If anything changes, call me. I want to know,” he said, handing me his business card with his cell phone on it.

I nodded and headed for the door. “You’re probably right. Crystal was just being nice to Kathy.”

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