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I felt his eyes roam me from head to toe before I answered.

“Crystal Blake.”

Not the skinny boy you were before.There was something about the way he looked at me that caused me to shiver.

“Cold? Most people who travel here find it hot,” he said.

Oh, you’re hot alright.

“Just adjusting to the temperature difference from the jet,” I lied.

“Are you one of Raya’s friends too?” he asked. I shook my head. “What brings you to Tabiq?” he asked as the pilot brought our luggage to the SUV.

“’m here on vacation.”

“You don’t sound so sure,” he said.

“I am sure,” I said, holding my chin up, trying to focus on why I was sent here.

“Okay. Guess that means you’re staying at New Hope Resort.”

“Yes, that’s correct,” I replied.

“Why don’t you come with us to Raya and Orion’s house and spend the day with us and Mayson can bring you to the resort later?” Kathy suggested.

I didn’t want to show up uninvited to someone’s home. Especially a bride-to-be. But if I turned this down, I might not get another opportunity like this to get to know Mayson. There was only one thing I could say.

“I’d love to, but it’s been a long flight, and I really could use a hot shower and a change of clothes.” I could see the disappointment in Kathy’s eyes. I turned to Mayson and asked, “Would it be too much to ask if you dropped me off at the resort and came back for me an hour later?”

“Not at all,” he said.

Kathy gave me a huge hug and said, “Raya is going to love you. And it will be so nice to have another person from the States here.”

And it will be nice to deliver my message and get back home where I belong.



Kathy was pretty much what I had expected. Cute. Pushy. Chatty. I don’t see why Orion and Raya say she and I are a lot alike. I’m funny. Some even call me clever. But I know how to stay in my lane, and not overstep. Kathy doesn’t. I never would’ve invited a stranger to my brother's house without asking him first. It blew me away and a part of me wanted to set her straight. But that didn’t shock me as much as Crystal accepting the offer. Had I lost my mind or was this how things were handled in the States?

Either way, Crystal was going to have a shadow. Me. I’m not sure what it was about her, maybe it was how nervous she was when I asked her simple questions, like what brought her to Tabiq, but something didn’t feel right. And I needed answers.

Once I had dropped Kathy off at the house, I headed right back to the resort. I knew it hadn’t been an hour, but I wanted to stop and chat with someone who might have some information about who Crystal Blake really was.

When I entered the resort, I walked up to the front desk and asked the receptionist if Bennett Stone was available. She had me take a seat in the lobby while she checked. Five minutes later Bennett showed up.

“Hello Mayson. What brings you here? Is there a problem?” he asked, greeting me.

Not even sure if coming here was a good idea, but I didn’t want anyone overhearing our conversation. Not because I was worried about what Crystal would think, but because Orion was already stressed. I didn't need to add to it. “Is there a place we can talk?”

He nodded. “My office.”

I followed him and once behind closed doors, and seated, I said, “I need to know if you can get me some information about a woman.”

“Is this a national security issue?” he questioned.

Crystal didn’t strike me as that kind of threat. Then again, she was gorgeous and that was enough of a distraction to be considered dangerous.

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