Page 69 of SEAL's Promise

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Jackson punched the elevator call button while the rest of Wolf Pack closed ranks around them to prevent anyone from coming close.

Seconds later, the silver doors slid open. Cal summarized the interview for his teammates as the elevator descended to the first floor.

They exited the building and headed for the vehicles with Cal and Rachelle surrounded by Wolf Pack. Rachelle wiped a tear from her face. Cal wanted to go back and punch the men who made her cry.

Eli’s phone signaled an incoming call. “Wolfe,” he answered without glancing at the screen, his gaze scanning their surroundings. As he listened to the caller, his expression darkened. “No promises.”

He ended the call and glanced at Cal. “Meyer contacted Fortress. He’s demanding another interview tomorrow morning.”


“He told Brent that Benson won’t be there.”

“Meyer’s crazy if he thinks I’ll believe anything he says. What does Brent want us to do?”

“Answer their questions, then take Rachelle off the grid until we unravel this mess. Think about it. We’ll give him our answer when we’re in the SUV.”

Great. He had five minutes to come to terms with subjecting his woman to another round of gut-wrenching questions from men who believed her responsible for the death of one of their own.

As they continued on, Cal remained alert, scanning for trouble while he considered the request from Meyer. No way was Rachelle going back to the Truman Building. With her on their turf, Meyer and his buddies would try another power play.

At the hotel, however, Wolf Pack would be in control and would either contain the three bureaucrats or kick them out and spirit Rachelle out of town.

When they reached the SUVs, Eli pointed at Cal. “You and Rachelle ride with me. Jackson, you’re with Rafe and Jon.”

Suited him fine. Knowing Eli preferred to drive, Cal tossed him the remote, then climbed into the backseat beside Rachelle.

After exiting the parking garage, Eli glanced at Cal in the rearview mirror. “What’s your decision? Airstrip or the hotel?”

“Hotel for now. I’ll talk to Brent before I make the final call.”

“Tell Rafe where we’re headed, then touch base with Brent. If you’re not satisfied with what you hear, we’ll go to the airstrip.”

Cal talked to his teammate, then called his boss.

“Yeah, Maddox.”

“It’s Cal.”


His lips curved. “What? No small talk? I’m hurt.”

A snort. “You’re not big on small talk.”

“What accommodations did Zane arrange?”

“A suite plus two rooms across the hall.”

“I have stipulations. If they don’t agree, the deal’s off.”

“Name them.”

“The only way I’ll agree to allow Meyer and company near Rachelle is on our turf. Benson won’t be allowed in the suite under any circumstances. I want to know the name of the person replacing Benson. Wolf Pack will be present at all times. If I think Rachelle has had enough, the interview ends. Meyer and his team will leave without argument or I’ll throw them out. State Department security won’t be allowed inside. Meyer and his buddies aren’t to know the name of our hotel until tomorrow morning when they begin the drive.”

“Done. Other stipulations?”

“No weapons on the diplomats or we’ll consider them a threat to Rachelle’s safety and take them down hard.”

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