Page 70 of SEAL's Promise

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“Copy that. How bad was the interview?”

“Bad enough. They believe Rachelle’s to blame for the death of their agent and upset her, hoping for a confession.”

A growl. “Details.”

Cal summarized the interview as well as Benson’s tactic at the end using the rapid-fire reporting method they’d learned in the military.

A soft whistle came through the phone. “I’m surprised you’re willing to give them another chance.”

“Last one. If they play mind games again, they’ll be out on their ears, and this time, there won’t be a reboot of the session.”

“I’ll make that clear to Meyer. How’s Rachelle?”

He glanced down at her, pleased that she’d relaxed enough to fall asleep against him. “The photo of Garner shook her.”

“Do what you can to help her recover. Tomorrow won’t be easy.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Any luck with your sources?”

“I contacted a friend in the State Department. He’s nosing around.”

“Let me know if Rachelle needs anything.” Maddox ended the call.

Eli drove a winding route to the hotel in a small town an hour outside of Washington, D.C. He parked in the lot and turned off the engine. “I’ll check us in while you wake her,” he murmured, and exited the vehicle.

Within seconds, the rest of his teammates surrounded the SUV, facing away from Cal and Rachelle to give them privacy and protect them from potential threats.

Cal trailed his hand along Rachelle’s arm. “Rachelle, we’re at the hotel.”

She kissed his neck.

He shivered. What he wouldn’t give to spend time with this woman without fear of another attack. Soon, he promised himself. He’d discover why Rachelle was a target and eliminate the problem. After that, he’d court Rachelle as she deserved. “You’re a serious distraction, lady.”

She smiled. “So are you.” The smile faded as she glanced around. “We’re staying?”

“For the night. We’re leaving tomorrow.” Didn’t matter if Meyer or the president himself requested they stay. Cal didn’t believe Rachelle would be safe this close to Washington, D.C. for much longer.

Rachelle winced.

“If Benson comes, he won’t be allowed in.”

“What time is the interview at the Truman Building tomorrow?”

“Meyer and his associates will come to the hotel. I’ll be with you and so will the rest of Wolf Pack. If Meyer or his buddies step out of line again, I’ll stop the interview and kick them out.”

He kissed her, the touch one of gentleness and comfort. Although he wanted to indulge in a longer kiss, he couldn’t afford to lose focus. This SUV lacked the normal Fortress security upgrades. “Ready to go inside?” He’d relax when Rachelle was in a more secure location.

She nodded. “I’d kill for a soft drink.”

“As soon as we’re settled in the suite, I’ll find a vending machine.”

“I’ll owe Fortress a ton of money after this is over.”

“No cost for employees.” He’d cover the bill himself if necessary.

He rapped on the window to signal his teammates that they were ready to go inside. Jon opened the door for them.

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