Page 48 of SEAL's Promise

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Wise move. If she was the target, she endangered them. “Another safe house.”

“The Texas team needs backup,” Jackson said. “Moving Eric in an emergency will be next to impossible with a five-man team tasked with transporting a critically-ill patient, protecting Amy, and fighting off attackers.”

“I have an idea on that.”

“Plan to share with the class?” Cal asked.

“After I’ve consulted with Maddox and the county sheriff. If they reject my idea, we’ll move Rachelle to another town.”

If Eric needed Wolf Pack’s help, who would protect her? The idea of being separated from Cal made her stomach twist. She looked at Cal. “If I have to relocate, who will be on my protection detail?”

He bracketed her chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Where you go, I go. I’ll ask to be assigned to your detail. If Maddox won’t give me permission, I’ll take a leave of absence. I won’t leave your side until you’re safe.”

Jon said, “We’ve been assigned as your protection detail, Rachelle. Maddox has options if another team can’t assist Texas.”

“Sounds great until you take into account the number of men sent to attack her,” Cal said. “Anyone get a body count?”

“Nine dead plus Phillips.” Brody folded his arms. “All heavily armed.”

Nine men dead and possibly more if the terrorists were after her in Antigua instead of Amy.

Cal scowled. “Who sent them?”

“That’s the million-dollar question,” Eli said. “Jon contacted Zane on the way here. Our resident tech wizard is working on it. Uncovering the culprit will take time.”

“What should we do in the meantime?” Rachelle asked. “I don’t want to endanger Eric and Amy.”

“As soon as we confirm you’re the target, we’ll execute Plan B.”

“Which is?”

“Relocation. For now, we proceed according to the current plan. You rest and heal while the teams set up guard rotations and stay alert for trouble.” He grinned. “In other words, we circle the wagons.”

Sawyer snorted. “You’ve been watching old cowboy movies again, haven’t you?”

Eli shrugged. “Can’t beat the classics. We need to decide the guard rotation for the next 24 hours.”

Jackson turned to Rachelle. “You look like you’re ready to crash. If you agree, I’ll follow you upstairs and tape your ribs while Eli and the rest decide shifts.”

Cal assisted Rachelle to her feet. “I’ll walk you up. Be back in a minute, Eli.”

“If you take too long, we’ll assign you the worst shifts,” Max threatened.

“Yeah, yeah.” Cal wrapped his arm around Rachelle’s waist, offering support and strength as she climbed to the second floor. At the end of the hallway, he steered her into the corner bedroom.

“Stay away from the windows, and leave the curtains closed.” After seating her on the edge of the bed, he crouched in front of her. “If the wrong people track us down, we don’t want to pinpoint your location.”

“All right.” All Rachelle wanted to do was go to sleep. In a perfect world, the person targeting her would be uncovered by morning.

“We’ll get your life back, baby,” he murmured and kissed the corner of her mouth. “I’ll check on you soon.” After a pointed look at Jackson, he left.

“I want to check your ribs before I tape them.”

She remained motionless while Jackson ran his fingers along her ribs, yelping when he touched a sore spot. When he reached into his bag, she asked, “Nothing worse than cracked ribs?”

“That’s all.” Jackson glanced at her. “I have to raise your shirt on one side. Would you feel more comfortable if Jesse or Cal is in the room?”

“Go ahead, Jackson. We don’t know how long Cal will be, and I don’t want to disturb Jesse.”

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