Page 49 of SEAL's Promise

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“Tell me if you change your mind.” He held up two rolls of tape. “Blue or black?”

“No pink camouflage?” she teased.

“Wolf Pack would have my hide if I packed anything girly in my mike bag.”

“I’ll take blue.”

Jackson tossed the black tape back into his bag. “Lift your shirt to your bra line on your right side.” He worked quickly to tape her ribs. When he finished, he tugged the bottom of her shirt down and sat back. “Take a breath, and tell me how you feel.”

Rachelle drew in a breath, expecting the same stabbing pain. To her surprise, the pain was tolerable. “That tape is amazing. Thanks, Jackson.”

“The tape will loosen after a few days. Don’t try to remove it unless the tape is wet. Otherwise, you’ll pull off a layer of skin, too. It’s time for another round of pain meds.”

Rachelle wanted to refuse, but she wouldn’t sleep if she did, and that would worry Cal and the others. “All right.”

Jackson handed her a packet of capsules and a small bottle of water. “Two capsules every four to six hours. This is a mild pain reliever that won’t knock you out.”

“I’m a lightweight when it comes to medicine.”

He chuckled. “I’ll keep that in mind for the next time I have to treat your injuries.”

“No offense, but I hope I keep you out of work for a while.”

He closed his bag and stood. “A shower or soak in the tub will help with soreness. Want me to start one of those for you?”

“I’d love a shower, but I don’t have clothes to change into.”

“I’ll find something.” He returned to the room with a black t-shirt and sweatpants. “These belong to Cal. He won’t mind if you sleep in them.”

She frowned. “Won’t he need them to sleep in?”

“Nope. He’ll sleep fully dressed as will the rest of us.”

Rachelle stared at the medic as reality sank in. “In case we’re attacked again.”

“That’s right. We won’t take your safety for granted, and neither should you.”

Not a great way to live. “Will you sleep with your shoes on?”

Jackson grinned. “Not tonight. We leave our boots on if we sleep outdoors on a mission. Leave your shoes beside the bed. If anything happens, you’ll have time to put on your shoes.”

He strode into the bathroom, laid Cal’s clothes on the bathroom counter, and started the shower for her. When he returned, Jackson gripped her upper arms and helped her to her feet. “Take your time. I’ll stand in the hallway with your door cracked. If you need help, call out.”

“Join the discussion downstairs. I’ll be fine.”

The medic shook his head. “Your man wouldn’t be pleased if I did.”

“Why not?”

“He asked me to keep you safe until he returned. I won’t break his trust.”

Her mouth gaped. “When? I didn’t hear him ask you to do that.”

“He gave me The Look.”

“The Look?”

“Yeah, the one that said, ‘Look after my woman. If you let anything happen to her, you’re toast.’ I don’t want to be on the wrong side of that SEAL, especially when it concerns someone he cares about.” Jackson moved to the hallway and left the door ajar.

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