Page 100 of SEAL's Promise

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“For coffee dates. Come on. You can’t be that serious about him this soon.”

She laughed. “And how quickly after you met Eric did I start hearing about the hot DSS agent assigned to guard you?”

“The next day,” Amy admitted.

“Two weeks after that, you told me you were in love with him.” Her smile faded as she watched Cal leave the room by the French doors. He seemed upset. What had he learned? “My feelings for Cal have grown for a year.”

“Are you sure, Rachelle?” Worry filled her friend’s voice.

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“He’s in black ops. The work is dangerous. He could be injured or die on a mission.”

“He could be an accountant and die in a car accident or plane crash, too. Every minute I have with him is a blessing.” She’d regret walking away and losing the chance to create something wonderful with him.

“I hope you know what you’re doing.”

When Rachelle ended the call, she shoved her phone into her pocket and walked outside in time to hear Cal request an alternate ID for her.

She stilled. Oh, man. The news Cal learned must be terrible for him to consider sending her off the grid under a new name.

Cal turned and held out his hand. When she went to him, he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. “Let me know when you have everything ready. Thanks, Brent.” He shoved the phone into his pocket.

“How bad?” she asked, voice soft.

“Enough to warrant a backup plan.”

“Tell me.”

“I called a former SEAL teammate who’s a tattoo artist. Artie’s lives outside of D.C. He recognized the falcon design.”

Her brows knitted. “A lot of tattoo artists might use that design.”

“Artie created the design and won’t share it. He used the design twice, once on a man, once on a woman.”

Her breath caught. “If he knows the identity of the man in the picture, that’s good news. Why are you upset?”

“The man wearing the tattoo on his back is Under Secretary of State Don Hale.”

“He’s not above the law.”

“We need absolute proof he’s guilty, Rachelle. No one will arrest Hale on your word alone.”

“We’ll find the proof.”

“Until he’s behind bars, Hale is a danger to you. He has influence and money. Going after him will create a firestorm with you in the center. You’ll be a target of the media, Hale’s political cronies, and hitmen unless we find a way to lift the contract.”

“What do you want to do?”

“Take you to a deserted island for an extended vacation where I can treat you like a princess and concentrate fully on you.”

Her eyes burned. Sounded like a dream come true. “You can’t, though. You have an important job to do. Why is Brent creating a new name and background for me?”

“If we can’t find a way to bring down Hale soon, we’ll disappear until Wolf Pack finishes the job.”

He would hate leaving Hale to his teammates. “You’re talking about the Fortress witness protection program for both of us?”

“I won’t send you into a new life without me.”

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