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“You did everything you could.”

“I should’ve eaten. Then I’d have been stronger.” He moves to stand.

“Everyone is in New Orleans. Alex was able to sense you and brought me here.” I wrap an arm around his chest, pulling him close. “You’ll feel better soon.”

“We’re calling him Alex now?” Thorne laughs softly.

“He said it’s what his mother called him. He’s a good kid, I think.” I smile with my words.

On cue, Alex appears from nowhere. “I helped her get into bed and made sure she had a snack and a glass of juice.”

“Thank you,” Thorne says. “Elsie tells me you helped find me.”

Alex smiles. “I did.”

“I’m feeling better. I hate to admit how good her blood tasted.”

“You’ll be able to go back on goat’s blood,” Alex offers support like he’s an expert.

“They’re in New Orleans?” Thorne repeats my words from earlier.

“Aye. We think Patrice might have taken the girls there.”

“That would make sense. There are not many places out here to take them with enough food supply.” Thorne holds his hand toward Alex, who stares at him confused. “Thank you, Alex.”

“You’re welcome, Captain.” Alex shakes Thorne’s hand with a smile. “Do you think you can run?”

“Aye. I feel back to normal, better than normal to be honest.” Instead of swimming, the three of us head toward the city, using the back roads, and keeping close to the marshy land. It’s not until the lights of the citycome into view that we stop to figure out what the hell we’re doing.

“Everyone okay?” Thorne asks.

“I’m good,” Alex answers first. “Where are we going when we get to the city?”

“That’s an excellent question. I don’t know where everyone went.” I look between the two vampires, noticing their size difference. The top of Alex’s head is barely even with Thorne’s waist.

“I’d imagine they’ll be at the lycan headquarters. That’s where I found Topher before.” Thorne’s words remind me of Luna’s babysitting job when I first met her.

“I’ve never been to New Orleans.” A huge smile covers Alex’s face as he speaks. “I’ve read a lot about the city, though. Did you know it’s the official birthplace of jazz?”

I huff a laugh. “I’m sure it’s everything you’ve imagined it to be.”

We continue running until reaching the French Quarter. I visited New Orleans a few times throughout the years, usually not staying longer than a few days at a time, afraid Kragen would find me if I stayed longer. Entering the French Quarter, the amount of otherworldly energy that hits me in the gut is stronger than I remember.

“Do you feel that?” Alex asks. “Does it always feel like this?”

“Aye. We should keep moving,” Thorne answers.

Thorne laces his fingers through one hand, while Alex grabs hold of my other. Together, we appear to be an ordinary family, touring the city of New Orleans. The innocent humans passing by have no idea of the danger we represent.

It doesn’t take long before we’re standing in front of one of the countless bars in the city. “Is this it?” Alex asks the question I’m thinking.

“Aye. The lycan headquarters. This has been their location for decades.” He opens the door, holding it for the two of us. As soon as we walk in, the energy of the room changes, and all eyes turn toward us. The humans in the room are still drinking their beers and continuing their conversations, oblivious to the energy shift around them.

A large man behind the bar stops wiping the glass he’s holding and glares at the three of us. “We don’t allow kids inside.”

“It’s a good thing I only look like a kid, then.” Alex stares up at the large lycanthrope.

“We’re here to see Christopher,” Thorne interrupts the tension.

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