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“Wait here,” the man sets down the half-clean glass and disappears into an office off the main room.

“He’s sweet,” I whisper.

Seconds later, Topher bursts through the door with Micah and Luna on his heels. Luna passes the large lycanthrope and reaches us first. She throws her smallarms around me, pulling me close. “Oh, thank God. I was so worried.”

I pull out of her embrace. “Luna, I’m sor…”

“Stop,” she interrupts. “You don’t owe me an apology. I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to do it. Sort of…”

“Come into the office,” Topher motions toward the door they burst through moments before. All of us pile into the small room as Topher slides behind a heavy desk against a set of bookshelves. “I’ve got several of my strongest lycan searching for any signs that Patrice is here. Amelia has asked a few of the local vampires to help out as well.”

On cue, Erick, the man I met during our last visit to New Orleans, steps into the room, followed by a tall vampire with dark hair.

“There you are, love,” Erick says, lifting my hand to his lips. “This is Phillipe. He has agreed to help us find the woman and children.”

“Thank you both.” I pull my hand away from Erick.

Phillipe’s eyes land on Alex. “Is this one of the children?”

I move protectively between him and the immortal child. Alex steps to the side, holding his hand in front of the large vampire. “My name is Alex. I was taken by Patrice in 1920 and turned into a vampire. I was the first of her children and helped her find the rest. I was forced to live with her and do her bidding until Elsie found me.” I’m not sure where Alex’s verbal diarrhea comesfrom. He stares at Phillipe a moment before continuing. “I can reassure you, sir, I am no freak. I am in control of my abilities and have nevereatenanyone.”

“How?” Phillipe stares at the immortal child.

Instead of answering, Alex looks around the room. “Who is Celeste?”

“This child reads minds?” Erick asks, knowing the answer. I’m not sure how much information to share with the two men I barely know. I open my mouth to speak, but Alex beats me to it. “Yes, this child reads minds. It’s why I’m still alive, and it’s why I’ve never eaten anyone.” He glares at Phillipe as he speaks.

“Apologies, young one. You’re only the second immortal child I’ve had the pleasure of meeting. You are quite remarkable.” Phillipe bows slightly with his words.

“Thank you.” Alex smiles, accepting his answer. He turns back toward me. “Who is Celeste?” he repeats.

“Celeste was Amelia’s maker,” Topher answers for the group.

“Her maker was like me? A child?”

“Yes,” he answers simply. “It’s not my story to tell. She’s with our son at the moment, but I’m sure she’d be happy to tell you everything when she can.”

Alex smiles. “Can I meet Celeste?”

“We might be able to arrange that.” Topher turns to the new vampires in the room. “Have you heard rumors of Patrice or the children being in the city?”

“No,” Phillipe answers. “However, your phonemessage stated that she would’ve arrived only hours ago. We will be on the lookout.”

“I have news of the other situation we discussed.” Erick lays a piece of paper on Topher’s desk.

“An address?” Topher picks up the paper.

“The last whereabouts of your pirate.”

“A pirate?” Alex asks. “There are pirates in New Orleans?”



Thorne,Alex, and I are covered in dirt and mud, and even though I hate to admit it, I’m starving. Running to find Thorne and back to New Orleans has used most of my energy. Topher has us loaded into a different vehicle and is driving across the Quarter to a home that belongs to Amelia. None of us have spoken since we started driving.

The overload of information floating through my brain is almost more than I can keep straight. I have no doubt Alex has heard every bit of it, as I don’t have enough energy to hide my thoughts right now.

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