Page 56 of Another Life

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“I wondered when I’d see you again,” he murmurs when I stop in front of him. I don’t know how he can look me in my eyes so evenly. Had I not haunted him the same way he did me?

I tilt my head as I appraise him, loving the way his glaze flits to my neck before sliding to my cleavage. I’d grown in the years without him. In so many ways.

“Abraham,” I offer as he leans in to press his cheek to mine.

To anyone else, it looks like a formal kiss. Nothing to see here.

But I hear the inhale as he takes in my scent. His fingersgrip mine at my sides and I close my eyes, determined not to give any pressure in return.

“I’ve missed you,” his voice grumbles in my ear, words that brush against my neck. At the last moment, his lips graze my cheek just before he pulls away. “What are you doing here?”

“What’s anyone doing here?” I muse, wishing Peter hadn’t stayed late for work.

The thrill of seeing Abraham makes a liar of me. I recognize it as dangerous, breathing life into the feeling of relief that Peter isn’t here.

That I won’t have to explain a person I used to be to him.

Because I feel the history crackling between us, a fresh page turning in an unfinished story.

“You always did know how to surprise me,” he muses, and I ignore the glimmer of emotion in his gaze.

I can see myself in your eyes,I think to myself as I peer up at him, hating how familiar he feels. Like no time passed.

“Strolling down memory lane is such a waste of time,” I tell him, wishing I believed it.

“Don’t let me walk alone, then.”

Before I can speak again, he’s ordering us drinks and gesturing toward my table. I open my mouth as he leads me by my elbow and gives me a nudge to sit in my seat.

“Didn’t realize you moonlight as a cattle herder,” I tell him, glancing at the wine Peter ordered me before looking back at Abraham.

His damn eyes glimmer and when he smiles, it reminds me of a hungry wolf, circling its prey.

“You’re far from cattle, Sabrina.”

“Oh?” I lean forward, clasping my hands on the tabletop.

“You don’t need me to ply you with compliments. I’m sure men have been more than generous in the time since I saw you last,” he tells me around a grin.

The mention of lost time makes my gaze falter. I feel closer to that young woman I once was than I have in years.

Time made me harder, stronger.

And Abraham swipes it all away like building blocks instead of the cemented bricks I thought I’d been protected by.

Two glasses are deposited in front of us, and he hands his card to the server, still holding my gaze. When he lifts his drink to his lips, I get a glance of his pink tongue and I can remember a time when it ran along the peaks of my hip bones and in the valley between my thighs.

I sit back, not touching my new drink, not speaking. I can’t let myself get comfortable here, with him. It’s one thing to run into him and act like I’m unaffected. It’s another to indulge in his presence.

That would lead to a disaster.

And, sure, Peter and I are casual. I’ve expressed my desire to keep my options open to him on more than one occasion. But it still feels wrong, knowing that one word from me would secure my attachment to Peter.

And one night with Abraham would likely wreck it.

Abraham is silent as he continues to stare at me, the same one that used to keep me rooted in place, waiting for him to lead me into whatever it was we were doing back then. It angers me.

“You think you can walk in here and woo me?” I sit back, crossing my arms, both of my drinks untouched on the table before me.

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