Page 57 of Another Life

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“I don’t think I can woo you. Honestly, I don’t think anyone can.” He leans forward. “But we were in love once, no?”

I start to shake my head with a smirk but when I catch his gaze, I part my lips, unsure of where this is heading.

His eyes gleam under the muted lights but his expression is serious.

“I was an asshole. But that doesn’t have to make you a liar,” he whispers. “I was in love with you,Stellina.”

He leans forward, grabs his glass, and downs its contents in my silence.

Seconds pass as he appraises me, his tongue peeking out to catch the excess liquid that pooled at the corners of his lips.

“If I’m going to be the only honest person here, I’ll say what needs to be said. Let’s not waste another four years without each other.” His eyes don’t soften, there’s no melodic humor in his tone to take the edge away. “I’ve never felt about another woman the way I feel about you. And I’m certain I never will.”

The sound of my chair scraping as I scoot back to get some much needed distance from him causes a few people to stare at us. But I don’t care as I stand, wanting to press my hands to my ears.

“I’m not interested in rewriting the past,” I lie. I have to lie. This fucking asshole thinks he can snap his fingers and change everything.

“You already rewrote it. And in that version, I didn’t fall in love with you. And I wasn’t ready to give everything to you.” He speaks with fervor, so quick his accent licks at his vowels like a flame. “I promise to be better in this version.”

I scoff and we stare at one another, unsure of what comes next. But I tell myself to let myself do what I really want to do, even if just for a few moments.

What about Peter?

I stare at the drinks on the table and reach for the vodka tonic he ordered me, downing it in a few gulps.

What about Peter?

“Where are you staying?” I ask him, returning the smile that spreads across his lips, altering his features in that beautiful way of his.

What about Peter?

“I’ll call my car,” he answers instead, and while he pulls out his phone, I stare at the glass of red wine. A safer bet, a sweeter option.

What about Peter?

What’s safe is no match for the exhilaration of a past I once ran from.




This is revenge sex,I try to convince myself as I sit silently in the back of the sleek black car that came to pick up Abraham and I.

We’re wordless as we make our way to the final destination. Where that was, I couldn’t say. I can’t touch him, can’t look at him, can’t let myself fall into the trap that is his charm.

And once I’m done, I’m gonna walk out of his hotel room and never see him again.

Maybe this is the test I need to see if I’m ready to commit to Peter?

My mind does backflips, trying to condone what it is I’m about to do. I’m not this person. I’ve never been this person.

Heartbreak tainted me. Watching my sister go through her own has bolstered me further into a territory where I don’t want to give any man a single ounce of my power.

“What are you thinking about?” he asks and I close my eyes at the sound of his accent, at the way I used to love it, at the way an Italian word or two would slide into his monologue when he was feeling passionate.

“Why are you in Boston?”

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