Page 19 of When We Crash

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I chuckled and shook my head. “Seems I outgrew that habit.”

* * *

The bell ringingin the emptying hall startled me, causing me to drop my books and watch as they scattered across the floor. I glared at the bright blue lockers, huffing as I prepared to fail at gracefully picking up the textbooks.

If they’d let me carry my bookbag instead of forcing me to keep it in my locker like everyone else, this wouldn’t be an issue.

“Butterfingers. What would you do without me, man?”

I sagged with relief when Ralph ran up. I hadn’t seen him since Saturday night, and he left Sunday morning before I woke up.

“Look like an idiot standing here,” I muttered, annoyed with myself. I craved self-sufficiency.

He straightened, adding my stack of books to his. I was only using one crutch today, making it easier to carry around the textbooks that seemed more like paperweights than actual reading material.

“It’s cool, man. We’ve got Trig this period.” He led us to a classroom, pulled the door open, and waited until I passed him to enter.

When my eyes scanned the students, their gazes were watchful.

“Oh, Mr. Andrews. I wasn’t expecting you until next week,” a man with salt-and-pepper hair said, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “Go ahead and take your seat. I received your homework. Just, ah, follow along. I’m sure Mr. Greyson will fill you in, but if you have any questions, let me know.”

We neared a few empty desks and I sat, looking for a place to lay my crutch quietly.

Ralph grabbed it and scooted a little closer before sliding it under his desk. “Don’t mind the stares. Some people are inbred,” he said with some force, much to my chagrin.

“No, it’s cool. Maybe if they stare, they’ll get over the fascination,” I said.

He shook his head, whispering, “I don’t think you get it, Dex. You were something of an icon here.”

“Why? I’m nobody. I didn’t play sports. I’m not active in any clubs.” I glanced around and noticed some of the girls looking away as soon as our eyes met.

“Beats me. Ask one of them.” He gestured toward the girls who were back to staring, this time openly, knowing they had his attention—even just for a moment. Ralph grinned.


I was now under the watchful eye of the entire student body.

I tried to focus on the teacher as he lectured on. I looked over at Ralph, who took notes, and I felt out of place. Every few minutes both Ralph and the teacher would look at me to make sure I was all right. After the first few times, I ignored them. I wasn’t brain-dead.

When the bell rang, I stood, ready to get the hell out of there.

“Okay, so I’ll make copies of my notes and if you need help with anything tonight, let me know,” Ralph said as gathered his things.

Who is this guy?

I’d rather have the moody yet rambunctious Ralph.

“Stop it, please.” I grabbed my books and crutch and headed out of the class as fast as I could. It didn’t take long for him to catch up.

“Fine.” He walked next to me, relaxed. “I want to help you out. I can’t pretend I don’t. So, you tell me, Dex, whatcanI do for you?”

I stopped at my locker, checking the combination I’d written on a piece of paper before turning the dial and unlocking it. I shoved my math book in with more force than necessary. When I turned, he was still waiting for an answer.

The only thing I need help with is…

“Help me find her.” The words came out before my brain could tell my mouth toshut the hell up. I could think of a million things Ralph would be better at than helping me findher. Before I could let my thoughts drift, he interrupted.

“Who, Becca? Dude, no. What?” Ralph’s brows were pinched in confusion and frustration. “Screw her.”

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