Page 20 of When We Crash

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I ran my hand over my face. It was too late to backtrack now. I had to convince Ralph I wasn’t heartbroken over Becca.

Which is worse? Being brokenhearted over Becca or longing for someone who might not exist?

In a split second, I made the decision. If she was worth begging and bargaining for—with an angel—not only did I have to find her, I had to stand firm. “No! Not Becca. This…girl. A girl. Well, the girl I’m supposed to end up with, I guess. It’s…hard to explain.”

Ralph’s face grew even more confused. Then a smile appeared as he grabbed my English textbook from me.

And I knew he didn’t understand what I said.

Of course he didn’t understand.

“You want some ass? I cantotallyfind that for you. Really, you don’t need my help. The ladies, they pine for you, Dex.” He looked past me, and I turned, finding a group of girls staring in our direction.

I looked at each of them, waiting forsomething. But it wouldn’t be that easy. I frowned. “Ah, no,” I said, looking back at him. “I was thinking more along the lines of a relationship.”

“You tried that. It didn’t work. You don’t remember so I’ll fill you in. You met, you had great sex, she was cute, you got hurt, she slept with everyone behind your back the moment you were down, and you dumped her sorry ass.” As he talked, we headed to my next class.

“Yeah, but just because it didn’t work with her doesn’t mean it won’t work with someone else,” I pointed out.

“Who, then?”

“See?” I clapped my free hand over his shoulder, leaning my crutch against my torso. We stood outside the English class I was meant to be in next period. “That’s what we need to find out.”

Ralph shook his head, handing me my book before I stepped inside the classroom just as the bell rang. I headed to an empty desk and placed my textbook on it when someone slid right into the seat.

“Oh, hey. I didn’t see you there.” Becca’s faux oblivious tone made me want to roll my eyes.

I didn’t understand her endgame, but I was definitely not waiting around to find out. “Right,” I muttered to myself.

I had nothing against the girl, really. I couldn’t remember anything from the relationship she’d shared with Dexter. She was essentially a stranger to me, just like everyone else. But I guessed it was too naïve to assume we could part ways amicably because she looked like she wanted to pick a fight.

I went to the back of the class and sat, content to be away from the rest of the students.

The teacher came in, her blonde hair pulled into a tight bun. When her eyes found mine, she headed over to me. “I reviewed your assignments. Solid work, Dexter. Let me know if you need anything.”

I nodded, hoping she’d just leave me alone. Eyes were on me, and I still didn’t like the feeling of it.

Someone was sitting beside me, her red hair a curtain over her face. When I wasn’t looking, I felt her peek over at me, but it wasn’t bothersome. I looked back a few times, and each time she looked away.

Shy, I guess.

I dropped my pencil mid-lesson, and she scrambled down to get it. I thanked her and she focused back on the page in front of her, not acknowledging me. When the bell rang, I left as fast as I had from the previous class.

Ralph was leaning against the lockers across the door and walked up to me. “How was she today?”

“Becca? She tried to talk to me but—”

He swatted me upside the head and said, “No, not fucking Becca. Mouse.”

“Huh?” I lifted a brow, rubbing the back of my head.

He rolled his eyes. “Sorry, I keep forgetting you don’t remember. The girl who sits in the back and stares at you. She’s innocent, kind of adorable if you’re into the librarian look. Full-on ginger. You usually count the amount of times you catch her staring.” He laughed. “Last time it was fifty-three. That’s dedication.”

“Oh, her. Yeah, I sat next to her. She seemed nice. Definitely shy. But sorry, bud, no count today.” I shifted my books in my arm as we walked.

The fact that Dex used to count how many times this poor girl looked at him made me feel…gross.

What a self-absorbed dick.

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