Page 45 of Secret Bratva Daddy

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Before I can respond, a soft voice calls out, "Avros?"

I turn, and there she is. Sydney, more beautiful than I remember, her eyes shining with unshed tears. The sun catches in her hair, turning it to living flame. For a moment, I can't move, can't breathe. She is really here, waiting for me, still wanting me despite everything.

Then Sydney is in my arms, and the world falls away. I bury my face in her hair, breathing in her familiar scent, vanilla and something uniquely her. The softness of her body against mine, the gentle swell of her belly pressing between us, it's all almost too much to bear.

"I'm sorry," I murmur, the words muffled against her skin. "I'm so sorry for everything,myshka."

Sydney pulls back just enough to look into my eyes, her hand cupping my cheek. The warmth of her palm against my skin sends shivers down my spine. "No more apologies," she says firmly, her voice steady despite the tears in her eyes. "You're home now. That's all that matters. Everything else is forgiven, if forgiveness was even needed at all."

I nod, unable to form words past the lump in my throat. My gaze drifts down to her belly, to the visible proof of our love growing within her. Slowly, reverently, I sink to my knees before her.

The gravel bites into my knees, but I barely notice. My hands shake as I place them on either side of her bump. The fabric of her dress is soft under my palms, but I can feel the firmness beneath, the miracle of life.

"Hello, little one," I whisper, my voice thick with emotion. "I'm your papa. I'm sorry I've been away, but I promise you, I'm never leaving again."

I press a gentle kiss to Sydney's belly, overwhelmed by the love I feel for this tiny being I haven't even met yet. The enormity of it all—freedom, family, future—crashes over me like a wave.

"I swear to you both," I say, looking up at Sydney, seeing the love and acceptance shining in her eyes, "I will be the best father, the best partner I can be. I will spend every day of my life making sure you're safe, happy, and loved."

Sydney's fingers card through my hair, her touch soothing away weeks of tension and fear. "We know, Avros," she says softly, her voice full of a tenderness I've never thought I'd deserve. "We love you too."

As I stand, pulling Sydney close once more, I feel Miron's hand on my shoulder. My family, reunited at last. The warmth of thesun on my face, the scent of Sydney's hair, the solid presence of my brother—it all combines to create a moment of perfect peace.

The road ahead won't be easy—there are still enemies to face, a business to legitimize, a child to raise in a world that will always have its dangers. But in this moment, with Sydney in my arms and Miron by my side, I know we can face anything.

I am home. And I will do whatever it takes to protect this precious gift I've been given.



The soft glow of candlelight dances across the room, casting flickering shadows on the walls of Avros's study. No, it’s our study now. The thought still sends a thrill through me, even after weeks of living in this opulent mansion. The rich scent of old books and leather mingles with the aroma of the gourmet meal Avros had prepared for us, now just empty plates on the massive desk.

Avros sits across from me, his dark eyes intense as they roam over my face. The candlelight softens his usually harsh features, but does nothing to diminish the raw power that emanates from him. Even in this intimate setting, dressed in a simple black shirt with the sleeves rolled up, exposing his muscular forearms and the intricate tattoos that tell the story of his past, he exudes an aura of danger and control that makes my heart race.

"Sydney," he says, his deep voice sending shivers down my spine. "These past few months have been... turbulent, to say the least."

I can't help but laugh softly at the understatement. "That's one way to put it."

A smile tugs at the corner of his mouth, a rare sight that never fails to make my breath catch. "Indeed. But through it all, you've been my constant. My anchor in the storm."

His hand reaches across the desk to grasp mine, his touch sending sparks of electricity through my body. The contrast of his rough, calloused palm against my soft skin is a stark reminder of our different worlds. His filled with violence and power, mine with art and innocence. Yet somehow, we fit together perfectly.

"I never thought I'd find someone like you," Avros continues, his thumb tracing circles on the back of my hand. "Someone who could see past the violence, the danger, and love me for who I am. Someone who could make me want to be better, to build a life beyond the bratva."

My free hand instinctively goes to my swollen belly, where our child grows. A testament to our love, unexpected but so deeply cherished. Avros's eyes follow the movement, softening with an emotion I never thought I'd see in the man I first met. Tenderness.

"You've given me everything, Sydney," he says, his voice rough with emotion. "A family. A future. A reason to live beyond the next deal or the next fight."

He stands suddenly, coming around the desk to kneel before me. My heart begins to race, a mix of anticipation and disbelief swirling in my chest. Surely he's not...

"Sydney Reeves," Avros says, reaching into his pocket. "You've seen me at my worst. You've stood by me through trials anddanger. You're carrying my child." He pulls out a small velvet box, and I gasp as he opens it to reveal a ring that probably costs more than my entire art school tuition. "Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Of building a life and a family with me?"

The ring sparkles in the soft light of the study, a breathtaking piece of art set against the deep velvet of the box. The diamond at its center is large but not ostentatious, its facets catching and refracting the light in a dance of brilliance. It's the kind of stone that demands attention, yet it feels timeless, like it could have been worn by a queen.

A bratva queen, perhaps.

The diamond is flanked by two rich, deep emeralds, their green hue so vivid it feels as though they’re capturing the essence of life itself. Together, they create a perfect harmony of elegance and power, a reflection of everything Avros is, and everything we are becoming together.

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