Page 46 of Secret Bratva Daddy

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Tears blur my vision as I stare at the man before me. Avros Petrov, feared all over this city, on his knees asking for my hand. If someone had told me a year ago that this would be my life, I would have laughed in their face. But now, looking into those dark eyes that hold so much love and promise, I can't imagine any other path.

"Yes," I whisper, my voice choked with emotion. "Yes, Avros. I'll marry you."

His face breaks into a rare, full smile that takes my breath away. He slips the ring onto my finger—a perfect fit, of course—before pulling me into a kiss that makes my toes curl. His lips are demanding, possessive, claiming me as his in every way.

When we finally break apart, both breathless, Avros rests his forehead against mine. "My wife," he growls, his accent thicker with emotion. "Mine forever."

"I'm yours, now and forever," I agree, my hands fisting in his shirt. "Just as you are mine, Avros."

He pulls back slightly, his eyes roaming over my face with an intensity that makes me shiver. "I want to take you right here," he says, his voice low and dangerous. "Spread you out on this desk and show you exactly what it means to be mine."

Heat pools low in my belly at his words. Even after months together, Avros's raw sexuality never fails to overwhelm me. "Then do it," I challenge, feeling bold. "Show me the man I'm marrying. Claim me in every way possible."

A growl rumbles in his chest, and suddenly I'm being lifted, papers and dishes scattering as he lays me out on the massive desk. His body covers mine, hard planes of muscle pressing against my softer curves. The weight of him, the heat of his skin through our clothes, it's all so wonderfully familiar yet thrillingly new.

Avros's hands roam my body, relearning every curve, every dip. When they settle on my swollen belly, his touch becomes reverent. "My family," he murmurs, pressing a kiss to the swell. "My everything."

I card my fingers through his hair, marveling at how this dangerous man can be so gentle. "We love you," I whisper. "So much."

His eyes meet mine, dark with desire and something deeper, more profound. "I'll keep you safe," he vows, his voice fierce. "Both of you. Always."

The promise fills me with warmth, a sense of security washing over me. In Avros's arms, protected by his strength and his love, I know I'm exactly where I belong.

"I know you will," I say, pulling him down for another kiss.

Avros takes his time undressing me, his touch alternating between reverent and possessive. Each brush of his fingers against my skin sends shivers through me, building the anticipation until I'm practically vibrating with need.

"So beautiful," he murmurs, his eyes roaming over my naked body. "My Sydney. My wife."

The word 'wife' on his lips sends a thrill through me. I reach for him, tugging at his shirt. "Too many clothes," I complain, desperate to feel his skin against mine.

Avros chuckles, the sound low and rich. "Patience,myshka. We have all night."

But he obliges, stripping off his shirt to reveal the chiseled planes of his chest and abdomen. I can't help but stare, tracing the intricate tattoos with my eyes. Each one tells a story, a piece of Avros's past that he's shared with me. My fingers itch to touch them, to relearn the map of his body.

As if reading my mind, Avros takes my hand and places it on his chest, right over his heart. I can feel its strong, steady beat beneath my palm. "Feel that?" he says softly. "It beats only for you now. For you and our child."

Tears prick at my eyes at the tenderness in his voice. This is a side of Avros that only I get to see, the gentle lover, the devoted father-to-be. It makes my heart swell with love and a fierce protectiveness I've never felt before.

We strip quickly but reverently, his hands on my naked body, cupping the swell of my breasts, of my belly. I reach between his legs and circle my hand around his cock, enjoying the thick, raw and masculine desire of him. This man, this strong and fierce some man, is mine and only mine. Just as I am his, through and through.

"Avros," I breathe, pulling him down to me. "Show me what it means to be yours. Show me the man I'm going to marry."

His eyes darken at my words, a predatory gleam replacing the earlier tenderness. "Careful what you wish for," he growls, his accent thickening with desire. "I might not be gentle."

A shiver of anticipation runs down my spine. "I don't want gentle," I challenge, arching against him. "I want all of you. The businessman, the bratva boss, the lover. Every part."

Avros's response is a low, animalistic growl that sends heat pooling low in my belly. In one swift move, he flips us, so I'm straddling his hips. The new position puts pressure on sensitive areas, drawing a gasp from my lips.

"You want all of me?" Avros asks, his hands gripping my hips hard enough to bruise. "Then take what you need, Sydney. Show me how much you want to be mine."

The raw desire in his voice spurs me on. I lift myself up, positioning him at my entrance, before sinking down slowly. The stretch is exquisite, familiar yet always thrilling. When he's fully seated within me, we both pause, savoring the moment of connection.

"Blyat," Avros curses, his eyes rolling back in pleasure. "So tight, so perfect."

I start to move, setting a slow, torturous pace. Avros's hands on my hips guide me, but he lets me control the rhythm. It's a heady feeling, having this powerful man at my mercy.

"That's it,myshka," he encourages, his voice strained. "Take your pleasure. Show me how much you love my cock."

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