Page 31 of Secret Bratva Daddy

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But then I picture softer moments. Avros reading bedtime stories, his deep voice gentle as he brings fairy tales to life. Teaching our child to ride a bike, those strong hands guiding and protecting. Family dinners filled with laughter and love, a stark contrast to the cold, formal affairs of my own childhood.

Could we find a balance? Create a bubble of normalcy within Avros's dangerous world? Or am I being naive, foolishly optimistic about a situation that can only end in heartbreak?

I don't have the answers. All I know is that my life has changed irrevocably. There's no going back now.

As I gather the tests, wrapping them carefully in toilet paper before disposing of them, I try to imagine telling Avros. Will he be happy? Angry? Scared? The man I've come to know these past weeks is complex, full of contradictions. Just when I think I have him figured out, he surprises me.

I wash my hands, splashing cold water on my face in an attempt to compose myself. As I look in the mirror, I wonder if I look different. Is there a glow, like people always talk about? Or do I just look terrified?

Taking a deep breath, I steel myself for the drive back to the mansion. I don't know what I'm going to say to Avros, or how this revelation will change things between us. But I do know one thing with absolute certainty:

I love him. Despite everything—the danger, the secrets, the uncertainty—I've fallen in love with Avros Petrov. And now, carrying his child, I'm tied to him in a way I never could have imagined.

As I drive, one hand resting protectively on my stomach, I make a silent vow to our unborn child.

No matter what happens, no matter what secrets or dangers we face, I will protect you. I will love you fiercely, unconditionally. And somehow, someway, I will find a way to give you the life you deserve—even if it means facing the darkest parts of your father's world head-on.

The mansion looms ahead, and I take one last steadying breath before pulling up to the gate. Whatever comes next, my life will never be the same. But as terrifying as that is, there's a part of me, growing stronger by the minute, that can't wait to see what the future holds.



Itake a deep breath as I set down the phone, Miron's words echoing in my head. "You need to tell her the truth, brother. All of it."

I rake my fingers through my hair, pacing the length of my study. The weight of my secrets presses down on me, threatening to crush what I've built with Sydney. Sweet, innocent Sydney, who looks at me like I'm her whole world. How can I shatter that illusion?

But Miron is right. If there's any chance for a real future with Sydney, it has to be built on honesty. Even if that honesty might drive her away forever.

I take a deep breath, steeling myself. It's time.

"Sydney?" I call out, striding down the hallway towards her bedroom. No answer.

A tendril of unease curls in my gut. "Sydney?" I try again, pushing open the door. The room is empty, the bed still neatly made.

Panic starts to rise in my chest as I search room after room. Where is she? She wouldn't have left without telling me, would she?


The thought hits me like a physical blow. What if she found out about Lance? About the hit I ordered on her cousin?

I let out a curse, slamming my fist against the wall. How could I have been so careless? So blind?

I storm back to my study, barking orders into my phone. "Find her. Now. I want every available man out there looking. Check her old apartment, her work, anywhere she might have gone."

As I wait for news, scenarios play out in my mind, each one worse than the last. Sydney, heartbroken and betrayed, running as far from me as she can get. Sydney in the hands of my enemies, used as leverage against me. Sydney hurt, alone, thinking I never truly cared for her.

The minutes drag by like hours. I pour myself a generous measure of vodka, downing it in one burning gulp. It does nothing to calm the storm raging inside me.

Just as I'm about to go out and search for her myself, I hear the front door open. My heart leaps into my throat as I rush to the foyer.

"Sydney," I breathe, relief washing over me as I see her standing there. She's pale, her eyes red-rimmed as if she's been crying. But she's here. She's safe.

I move towards her, wanting nothing more than to pull her into my arms. But something in her expression stops me cold. She looks... guilty. Scared. Like she's carrying a secret of her own.

"Where were you?" I demand, harsher than I intended. "I've been going out of my mind with worry."

Sydney flinches at my tone, wrapping her arms around herself protectively. "I... I needed some air," she says softly, not quite meeting my eyes. "I'm sorry, I should have left a note."

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