Page 12 of Secret Bratva Daddy

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"I'm not sure," she whispers, her voice trembling slightly. "You're not what I expected."

I reach out, my fingers barely grazing her flushed cheek. Sydney's eyelids flutter at the contact, a soft gasp escaping her parted lips. "And what did you expect,krasotka?"

She swallows hard, her gaze dropping to my chest before darting back up to meet mine. "A monster," she admits quietly. "A cold-blooded killer who cares for nothing but power."

Her honesty strikes something deep within me. Before I can stop myself, I find myself sharing more than I intended.

"It's not just about power or money," I hear myself saying, my voice low and rough. "Every decision I make, every deal I broker... it's all to keep my family safe. To give Miron the life he deserves."

Sydney leans forward slightly, her eyes never leaving mine. "What do you mean?"

I run a hand through my damp hair, frustrated by my own inability to turn my thoughts into words. "The world we live in... it's unforgiving. One wrong move and everything I've built could crumble. And Miron..." I trail off, the words sticking in my throat.

"You're worried about him," Sydney prompts gently.

I nod, my jaw clenching. "He's not cut out for this life. Too soft, too trusting. If anything happened to him because of my choices, I don’t know what I’d do. He’s my responsibility, and I feel that I may have already failed to…"

The thought is too painful to finish. Sydney reaches out, her hand hovering inches from my arm before she seems to think better of it.

"That's a heavy burden to bear alone," she says softly.

Her compassion, so freely given, both unnerves and attracts me. I find myself wanting to bare my soul further, to let her see the darkness that consumes me. It's a dangerous impulse.

"Alone is safer," I growl, leaning closer. "Alone means no one can betray you."

Sydney's breath catches, but she doesn't back away. "It also means no one can support you," she counters softly.

The tension between us ratchets up another notch, charged with something more complex than mere physical attraction. I search her eyes, looking for any hint of deception, of hidden motives. But all I see is sincere empathy and a curiosity that matches my own.

I lean in closer, drawn by the warmth in her voice, the promise of understanding in her eyes. "You're not afraid of me anymore, are you?" I ask, my voice husky with barely restrained desire.

Sydney meets my gaze steadily, her chin lifted in that stubborn tilt I'm quickly coming to adore. "Should I be?"

My hand moves of its own accord, fingers trailing along the graceful curve of her neck. Sydney's breath catches, her towel slipping slightly to reveal the swell of her breasts.

I'm mesmerized by the contrast of my tanned, calloused hand against her pale, delicate skin. She's like fine porcelain, so easily shattered. And yet, there's a core of steel beneath that fragile exterior. It's intoxicating.

Just as I'm about to close the final distance between us, to claim those lush lips with my own, Sydney stands abruptly. "I... I need some air," she gasps, fleeing the sauna in a swirl of steam and floral-scented skin.

I lean back, a mix of frustration and arousal coursing through me. She's stronger than I gave her credit for, this little catering girl who's somehow wormed her way under my skin. Mostwomen would have succumbed to my seduction by now, eager to please the big bad Russian mobster.

But not Sydney. She resists, challenges, surprises me at every turn. And for the first time in years, I find myself genuinely intrigued by a woman.

As I sit there in the steam, my body thrumming with unfulfilled desire, one thought echoes through my mind.

I want her. Not just for a night of pleasure, but for keeps. I want to unravel every secret, explore every hidden depth. I want to possess her body, yes, but also her mind, her heart, her very soul.

And Avros Petrov always gets what he wants. One way or another.

With a thin smile, I rise from the bench. The hunt is on, and Sydney Reeves won't know what hit her.

Let the games begin.



Irush back to my room, my skin flushed and tingling from more than just the sauna's heat. My heart pounds against my ribs as if trying to escape. I lean against the closed door, struggling to catch my breath. What just happened in there? How could I let myself get so caught up in the moment? In him?

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