Page 13 of Secret Bratva Daddy

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The rough texture of my towel rubs against naked skin as I pace restlessly, trying to calm my racing thoughts. Every step reminds me of how close Avros was, how his eyes devoured me, how his deep voice sent shivers down my spine. I can still feel the ghost of his fingers on my cheek, my neck. My body thrums with an unfamiliar ache, a longing for something I can't quite name.

I throw open the window, desperate for relief. The cool night air is a balm against my heated skin, but it does little to quell the fire Avros ignited within me.

My nipples tighten in the cold air, and I bite my lip to stifle a gasp. I've never felt like this before, so aware of every inch of myskin, so desperate to be touched. I close my eyes, remembering the way Avros's muscles rippled as he moved, the predatory grace in his every gesture, the thick length of him, half-aroused and nestled in dark pubic hair. Heat pools low in my belly, and I press my thighs together, seeking some relief from the building tension.

A movement in the gardens below catches my eye, snapping me out of my sensual haze. I lean forward, my breath catching as I spot Avros.

He's impeccably dressed now in a sharp black suit that emphasizes his broad shoulders and narrow waist. The sight of him fully clothed shouldn't affect me so strongly, not after seeing him naked, and yet... There's something about the way he wears power like a second skin that makes my pulse quicken.

Avros is speaking urgently with a man I don't recognize—tall and wiry, with a nervous energy that sets my teeth on edge. I strain to hear their conversation, catching only fragments that drift up on the night breeze.

"...replacing the judge with..."

"...says there's new evidence..."

"...running out of time..."

A chill runs down my spine, at odds with the lingering heat from the sauna and my own arousal. This is a stark reminder of who Avros really is—not just the seductive man from the sauna, but a dangerous man with deadly secrets. The juxtaposition is jarring, like a bucket of ice water dousing the flames of desire.

As if sensing my gaze, Avros suddenly looks up. Our eyes lock across the distance, and for a heart-stopping moment, I forgethow to breathe. The intensity in his steel-blue eyes pins me in place.

Does he know I was watching? Listening? What will he do to me?

I stumble back from the window, my heart pounding so hard I can feel it in my throat. My legs feel weak, and I sink onto the edge of the bed, trembling. I'm playing a dangerous game, and I'm no longer sure of the rules—or what I’m even playing for.

But even as fear courses through me, I can't deny the pull I still feel towards Avros. The memory of his heated gaze in the sauna, his strong hands so close to touching me... it sends another wave of desire coursing through my body. My skin feels too tight, every nerve ending alive and crying out for his touch.

I fall back onto the plush mattress, confused and conflicted. I should be terrified. I should be looking for a way out of this situation, planning my escape.

Instead, all I can think about is how badly I want to feel Avros's lips on mine, his hands exploring every inch of my body. I imagine those calloused palms skimming up my thighs, parting them gently but firmly. In my mind, I can almost feel the weight of him pressing me into the mattress, his muscular body covering mine.

A soft moan escapes my lips, and I blush furiously even though there's no one to hear. What's wrong with me? How can I be developing these feelings, these intense desires, for a man like Avros Petrov? A man who thinks nothing of breaking the law, of defending a murderer—brother or not. A man who clearly has no qualms about threatening ajudge.

And yet... as I close my eyes, trying to banish the erotic images dancing through my mind, all I can see is the vulnerability inAvros's gaze as he spoke about his brother. The unexpected gentleness in his touch as he caressed my cheek. There are layers to this man that I'm only beginning to glimpse, depths I find myself longing to explore.

I roll onto my side, hugging a pillow to my chest as if it could somehow fill the Avros-shaped void I suddenly feel. I'm in way over my head. This situation is more dangerous than I could have ever imagined when I first overheard that conversation at the gala. But as I replay every heated glance, every charged moment between us, I realize I might not care.

Whatever game we're playing, whatever danger lies ahead... part of me can't wait to see where it leads. The sensible, rational part of my brain is screaming at me to run, to get as far away from Avros Petrov as possible. But a deeper, more primal part of me wants to stay. To see just how deep this rabbit hole goes.

As I drift off into a restless sleep, my dreams are filled with steam and shadows, strong hands and piercing blue eyes. And in the hazy space between waking and dreaming, I admit to myself what I've been trying so hard to deny:

I want Avros Petrov. God help me, but I want him with every fiber of my being.



The shrill ring of my phone cuts through the silence of my study. I glance at the caller ID and sigh, steeling myself for what's to come.

"Richard," I answer, my voice clipped. "What news do you have for me?"

"Nothing good, I'm afraid," my lawyer's voice crackles through the speaker. "There's been a development in Miron's case."

I lean back in my chair, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Out with it."

Richard clears his throat. "We've identified a key witness. A man named Lance Halloway. He claims to have seen the whole thing go down."

My blood runs cold. "How credible is he?"

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