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Luckily for Vlad, Ivanwasthere, checking over a new shipment of drugs. Seemed the errand boy was climbing the ranks. Too bad he picked the wrong man to follow.

As soon as he saw me, his eyes hardened. He reached for his waistband, but I beat him to the draw, shooting out his right knee. He dropped with a howl, holding his shattered kneecap. “Fuck you, Sasha, you fucking faggot!”

Holstering my gun, I leaned down and grabbed him by the throat, hauling him up so we were eye level. “How long were you in the alley?”

He sneered and spit in my face. I closed my eyes and wiped the saliva off with my free hand before drilling him in the mouth with a closed fist. “How long?” I asked again, squeezing his throat harder.

“Hours,” he hissed, with a twisted smile reminiscent of Yuri’s.

It was a lie. Roan wasn’t alone that long. But if Ivan wanted me to think Roan suffered for hours, I’d be happy to oblige him.

“Then that’s how long you and I will be together,” I replied with an equally dark smile.

As soon as he realized I was dragging him to the utility room, he tried to fight back. It was pointless. Between his useless right leg and my bigger size, I had little trouble subduing him.

I bound his wrists behind his back before tossing the main line over a steel support beam and yanked on the rope until his shoulders strained visibly. He screamed and cursed me as he hung there, immobilized more by his pain than the rope. Once he was in an excruciating position, I tied off the rope on another post and circled around to the front.

Grabbing his chin and squeezing, I brought my face closer to his. “I’m going to take you apart, piece by fucking piece, you spineless little shit.”

“Yuri will kill you,” Ivan spat. “I told him what you are. What you and that fucking fag did in the basement. Yeah, I saw. You disgusting fuck.”

Sothat’swhat this was about. Not the fucking flash drive. This was all because of me and my inability to control myself. As much as the guilt ate away at me, I didn’t let myself dwell on it. I had work to do.

I shoved Ivan’s face away and walked over to the table full of supplies we kept for occasions such as this. Picking up a pair of wire cutters, I squeezed them open and shut a couple of times, returning to Ivan. “Let’s start with the toes and work our way up,” I said with a smile.

* * *

Instead of leaving,like I told her to, Lada texted when Yuri arrived. I was annoyed, but the heads up gave me enough time to position myself on the side of the door before he burst through it, his gun drawn.

I grabbed his gun hand at the same time I kicked out the back of his knee. He went down hard. To make sure he stayed down, I kicked the side of his head.

“Glad you could join us,” I said, disassembling his gun quickly and tossing the pieces aside.

“You motherfucker,” he croaked, trying to push himself up off the ground.

I grabbed Yuri by his hair and dragged him to the beam next to the remnants of Ivan’s body. Stringing him up the same way Ivan had been, I let him take a good look at his little snitch while I retrieved a knife.

Ivan learned I kept my word. I took him apart, piece by piece. Toes, feet, sections of his legs, his dick, his balls, the rest of his fingers. The pieces were piled up in a heap, coagulated blood forming a dark red puddle around them. Between the trimming, I took the time to electrocute him, leaving burn marks over his torso, so I knew he felt the pain in every molecule of his body. Electricity was excruciating — I knew from personal experience — but it didn’t kill him. That was probably the blood loss. Or shock. It didn’t matter. He was dead now, hanging like a piece of meat that would soon make the creatures in Lake Michigan very happy.

“You’re a fucking animal,” Yuri hissed, looking at Ivan’s bloody carcass with disgust.

I didn’t answer him. Slicing his clothes off with the knife, I didn’t care whether or not his skin was cut in the process. All the better if it was.

“Viktor is going to cut your fucking head off,” Yuri said, trying to dodge the knife.

“Does Viktor know what you did?”

Yuri laughed.

“Laugh while you can. You’ll tell me everything,” I said, backing away from him slowly. “Just like Ivan.”

Yuri spit at me, but it fell short. “Go fuck yourself, you fucking pedophile.”

Unfolding a stainless steel hose, I made sure I stood out of the way so Yuri could see what I was doing,exactlywhat was in store for him. Thanks to some creative ingenuity, it was already hooked up. All I had to do was flip the lever.

Steam rushed out the end of the hose with a quiet hiss. I tugged on a pair of thick gloves and grabbed the end, dragging it over to Yuri’s swinging body. Brandishing the hose in front of him, I let a cloud of steam fill the space between us, delighted at how wide his eyes got.

“My blood is clean. You’re the one who will have to answer to God for your filth,” Yuri said, glancing at the steam, already beginning to sweat with how close it was. “You and your pretty boy. Good luck fucking that little bitch ever again. Or does he fuck you?”

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