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Frankie said something, but I couldn’t hear her over my own pathetic breakdown.

Sasha’s reply rumbled through his chest, and knowing him it probably wasn’t good. It was the last thing Frankie said.

I don’t know how long we stood there. I didn’t care.

“I have to go,” Sasha said after a while, his voice right next to my ear. I shook my head, clinging to his damp t-shirt. I didn’t want him to go. I finally felt safe and safety was the only thing I wanted at the moment. Running his hand through my hair again, he leaned back to look at me. “Go with your friends. I’ll come when it’s finished.”

I blinked my vision back into focus and met his icy gaze with a furrowed brow. When it’sfinished? It wasn’t already finished? What the fuck had he been doing?

“The rest of them die tonight,” he said softly.

Any other time I would have balked at his bluntness. I would have been horrified knowing he was en route to murder someone. But now? I didn’t give a fuck. He could kill the entire city and I wouldn’t care. Caring got me nowhere in life, so maybe it was time to try things Sasha’s way.

Caressing the side of my face, his gaze dropped to my mouth. I could tell he wanted to kiss me, but he was holding back. His reluctance sparked unexpected anger inside of me. Before this, if he wanted to kiss me, he’d fucking kiss me, regardless of whatIwanted. And now he looked at me like I was a Faberge egg, one he was afraid was going to shatter at the slightest touch.

Taking hold of his face, I yanked him down to me, pressing my lips to his. After what happened, I needed to know how he really felt. I needed to know everything he would never say out loud. I needed to know if he still wanted me, even though I was damaged beyond repair.

His body went rigid for a moment before he relaxed again, returning the kiss with an uncharacteristic gentleness. It was soft, and scared, not repulsed. Even when he pulled away, it was with hesitancy. Resting his forehead against mine, he exhaled and closed his eyes, swallowing hard. “Roan—”

“Go,” I said, cutting him off with a sudden surge of confidence. It was better totellhim to leave than tobetold, like I had any say at all in the situation.

His head snapped up, pale eyes wide. It was the first thing I’d said in the better part of four days and honestly the last thing I expected.

“Do what you do, Sasha.” I gave him a single nod and untangled myself from his arms, taking a slow, unsteady step backward.

Frankie’s hand slid up my arm, her fingers curling around my bicep, providing a new source to lean on.

Accepting the order, Sasha inclined his head and turned away. Right before he got to the door, I called his name. He stopped, looking over his shoulder, the corners of his eyes tightening — just a flicker of an emotion I couldn’t quite name.

“Make it hurt,” I said, my hands balled into fists. I didn’t realize I was trembling until Frankie’s fingers squeezed me gently, a steadying pressure against the tidal wave of emotions crashing inside of me.

The corner of his mouth lifted into a dark smile. There was a visible glimmer in his eyes unlike anything I’d ever seen. The Wolf was off the leash and those motherfuckers had no idea what hell was coming for them.



Tugging openthe front door of the Birdcage, I scanned the dim interior quickly. Given the fact it was lunchtime, it was mostly empty. Lada was behind the bar, sipping a cup of tea and flipping through a magazine.

“Get everyone out,” I said, cutting through the tables for the back hallway.

She nodded, hurrying off to gather the girls and shoo away the handful of patrons.

As I rounded the corner for the office, Vlad stepped out, his brows furrowed. I hefted my pistol in my hand and smashed it against the side of his face before he had a chance to say anything. He flopped to the floor, blood oozing from the side of his head.

“Are they here?” I asked, crouching over him.

“What the fuck?!” he groaned, holding his head.

“Ivan and Yuri. Are they here?”

Vlad shook his head. “Only Ivan. Downstairs.”

“Call Yuri,” I said, patting the center of his chest and standing. “Tell him Ivan’s dead.”

His eyes widened. “What? Aleksandr!”

I ignored his stupid question and stepped over him, continuing on to the basement.

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