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Ignoring him and the fact he fucking read it, I went back to slamming my fist against the door. “Leander, open the door before I kick this fucking thing in! You have five seconds!”

I made it to three when the door swung open.

Looking as regal as ever, chin lifted and shoulders squared, Leander met my gaze dead on. “Patience is a virtue. Now, if you’ve done everything you need to do, I have a dinner at seven.”

“A dinner? With whom?” Before he went into that bathroom, we had zero plans. How the hell did he come out with a new schedule for the evening?

“No one you need to concern yourself with.” He gave me a tight-lipped smile and slid past me, making a point not to touch me, even in passing.

I stayed where I was, one hand clutching the doorframe to the bathroom, listening to his footsteps cut through the loft. The door opened and closed again, as quietly as ever. No slamming. No shouting. Not even a polite goodbye to Kai, which was probably the most un-Leander like thing of all.

What the fuck just happened?

“I’m so sorry. I—”

Raising a hand sharply to cut off his sympathies, I turned on my heel slowly. “Email me everything you find from that burner phone, no matter how small. Got it?”

“Got it.”

Stalking out of the loft, I jogged down the three flights of stairs, using the time to try and figure out what was going on in Leander’s brain.

When I popped out onto the sidewalk, I expected to see Leander standing there, or already in a waiting car. He wasn’t. In fact, he was nowhere to be found in either direction.

Muttering under my breath, I pulled out my phone and called him, glancing up and down the street in hopes of hearing it ring.

It rang twice before he sent me to voicemail. The prick.

I called again, and again it went to voicemail. Not after one ring, indicating the phone was off. Aftertworings, the giant, electronic “Fuck You.”

Growling to myself, I scheduled an Uber and waited, impatiently, for Omar to swing by in his white sedan. On the way to my new destination, I canceled the masseuse and then called Del.

“You busy?”

“Uh, no. I don’t think so. Why? Are you in town?”

“Yeah. Meet me at Delirium.”

He laughed. “Seriously? What time?”

“Now,” I said icily.

Papers shuffled in the background and I heard a computer logging off. “Hasta luego.”

Hanging up, I tipped my head back against the seat and closed my eyes.

Leander was right about one thing. This cityhadturned into a cesspool. Every time we were here, we fought like cats and dogs. Not that Easton shielded us from all of our problems, but it was never anything like this. So hopefully after he was done with his mysterious “dinner” and I polished off a bottle of alcohol with Del, we could go home to Easton and forget this whole fucking trip happened.



Fury emanated from every cell in my body. Instead of carbon dioxide, I exhaled a cloud of rage and betrayal, so much so that I actually lied to my husband. Not that he believed me for one second. I didn’t have dinner plans. The idea was laughable. With how tightly my insides were clenched, I knew I wouldn’t eat for a week. Even the thought of food made me nauseated.

I did, however, have a meeting. A very important, last-minute meeting that needed to be conducted without him hovering nearby.

Speeding down the tollway in a rental, I checked the time, comparing it to the schedule that had been imprinted on my brain for however brief a period. Given the hour and the day of the week, I knew exactly where I was going — St. Mary’s Hospital in Stratford.

It was late, but not late enough that they’d locked the main doors of the hospital yet. I was able to slip in and up the stairs, glancing around the deserted lobby just to make sure I didn’t miss my target moving about on some errand.

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