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“Get up,” he said, rolling his eyes skyward.

“Are you going to kill her?”

“Bennett...” My name came out as a sigh, weary and pained.

“Are you going to kill her?”

“I’m going to killyouif you don’t get off your goddamn knees.”

“Why?” Smirking, I pushed the end of his belt through the buckle’s frame. Winning was winning. Frankly, I didn’t care how I achieved it. “I thought you liked me on my knees?”

“Oh my God. Stop.” He swatted my hands away before I could get the prong out of the hole. “You don’t get totellme off and thengetme off in the middle of some stranger’s apartment.”

I grabbed onto his belt again, giving him my best puppy eyes. “Is there nothing I can say or do to get you to change your mind?”

“About a blowjob or killing Lorelei?”

It was my turn to roll my eyes. I let go of him roughly and got to my feet again. Before I could offer a verbal rebuttal, Kai was back.

“Is it safe to come out?” he asked, peering around a bookcase.

This time it was Leander and I who answered at the same time. He said “Yes,” while I said “No.”

“Ok, well, that’s not the least bit confusing.” Kai cleared his throat and took a dramatic step into the room. “Is there anything else I can do to help?”

“Do you have a copy of whatever it is you deleted from that journal?” Leander asked.

I sliced a glare at Kai, silently channeling all of my energy into telling him to shut the fuck up via telepathy.

He most definitely caught the look on my face because he immediately snapped his mouth closed, giving the worst vague shrug of his life.

Leander took a step closer to him, moving past me and not-so-subtly blocking me with his shoulder. “Don’t look at him. Do you, or do you not, have a copy?”

I shook my head vehemently behind Leander, mouthing all sorts of silent threats and pantomiming the various ways I planned to kill him if he said yes.

Kai looked away quickly, turning his attention to his cell phone. I darted forward, fully intent on making good on my threats.

Leander grabbed a handful of my coat from behind and held me in place. “Don’t even think about it.” His cell phone chirped a second later, indicating Kai air dropped the file to him. He let go of my coat to reach into his pocket.

I made a grab for Leander’s phone, but Leander was faster. He ducked under my outstretched arm and sprinted across the loft to the bathroom.

Swearing, I raced after him. The door slammed a millimeter away from my face.

“Leander!” I pounded on the door. “Listen to me! Do not open that fucking file! I know youthinkyou want to read it, but you don’t! It’ll do more harm than good!”

Of course, there was no answer.

“Do you have any idea what you’ve done?” I snarled over my shoulder at Kai.

“You’d want to know,” Kai said simply with a small shrug.

“Why the fuck did you keep a copy of it? The whole reason I paid you was to get rid of it! Forever!”

He rolled his eyes. “Everything gets backed up in, like, three places. It’s not like a did it on purpose.”

“Well, you didn’t have to give it to him!”

“If any part of what that doctor said is true, I don’t want to end up on the dude’s hit list.”

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