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“Listen, you arenotan easy read, even for someone like me. That smoldering look of yours could either mean you want to fuck someone, or you’re plotting their demise.”

He gasped. “I’ve never once plotted your demise.”

“Not even when we were apart?”

“Not even then.” I kicked myself when he grew quiet. I’d only meant to tease him, not bring up old wounds. “It doesn’t mean it won’t happen anyway,” he added quietly.

I didn’t like the way his tone darkened. Even if he was two-hundred miles away from me, I could feel the shift in his mood, as much as if I was laying right there beside him. “What are you talking about?”

“The curse.” He said it so softly, I almost missed it.

I sighed, closing my eyes. “I don’t believe in curses, my love. You shouldn’t either.”

“It doesn’t matter if you believe in it — it’ll kill you regardless. It gets everyone in the end.”

“It won’t get me and it certainly won’t get you if I have anything to say about it.”

“I guess time will tell.”

I didn’t want to hang up while he was in such a funk, but as soon as I heard high heels clicking on the pavement, I wrapped up the conversation. Hopefully Annabel could purr away whatever melancholy he had while I took care of business once and for all. “I’ll see you tomorrow. I love you.”

“And I love you.”

Shoving my phone in my pocket, I settled into my relaxed position again on the hood of the silver import, counting the approaching footsteps.

“Excuse me?” a female snapped. “What are you doing on my car?”

I sat up slowly, giving Lorelei a dazzling smile. “Hey Doc. Long time no see.”

She gripped her leather bag strap, pulling it closer to her body. The stealthy glance around the empty parking lot made me laugh quietly. We were alone and she knew it. The people in the building were too far away to save her and the guard in the shack down the drive couldn’t even see us at this angle. There’d be no hero to come save the princess inthisfairytale.

“What are you doing here?” she asked, holding her ground with a surprising reserve.

“Oh, I was in the neighborhood. Thought I’d drop by. See how you’re doing.” I slid down the hood of her car and leapt off, landing right in front of her.

She flinched, but stayed rooted to the spot. “Why?”

“I wanted to have another little chat, clear the air. That sort of thing.”

“About what? He has his cat back. What else does he want?”

“Oh, no, this isn’t about Leander. This is strictly personal — just between us.”

She narrowed her eyes at me. “Then what doyouwant?”

“Honestly? I came to applaud you on your vindictiveness. I didn’t know you had it in you. Bravissima, Dottoressa.” I gave her a slow clap, accompanied with a dark smile.

Her brow furrowed, her nose wrinkling ever so slightly. “What are you talking about?”

“Getting your mommy to write it was a nice touch.”

“What are you talking about?” She ground out each word separately.

I pulled the complaint letter from my pocket, waving it beneath her snooty little nose. “Tattling to the ARDC about me?” I tsked, wagging a scolding finger at her. “Naughty, naughty.”

“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. The AR what?” She reached for the letter and I gladly gave it to her. Reading it quickly, her face was mostly passive, except for the hard line of her mouth.

“Look familiar now?”

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