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Ricci seemed to consider this, his eyes flicking back and forth between me and Vincenzo. He lowered the gun slightly, tilting his head as if weighing the options.

“Interesting proposition,” he mused aloud. “The FBI would certainly love to have you, Vincenzo. I know they’d cut me a nice deal in exchange for me serving up your head on a platter right to their door.”

“Exactly,” Vincenzo replied, taking a cautious step forward. “You give them me, and you’re free to expand your operations without any interference. But if you hurt her, you lose that leverage. I won’t help you if you touch a hair on her head.”

Ricci’s eyes narrowed, the gears in his mind visibly turning. “You always were a clever one, Vincenzo. Always thinking one step ahead. But I’m not sure I trust you. How do I know this isn’t another one of your tricks?”

“It’s not a trick,” Vincenzo insisted, his voice steady. “You know me, or at least you used to. You know I’d do anything to protect her just like I did for my Maria.”

Ricci’s smile turned cruel. “Anything, you say? Then maybe I should test that theory.”

He raised the gun again, pointing it directly at me.

“No!” Vincenzo shouted, stepping forward and reaching his arm out. Quickly, he pushed me behind him. “I’ll come with you. I won’t resist. Just let her go.”

“Alright,” Ricci finally said, lowering the gun just a little bit. “I’ll take you up on your offer. But if you try anything, she’s as good as dead. Understood?”

Vincenzo nodded, his expression grim. “Understood.”

Ricci motioned for one of his men to bind Vincenzo’s hands.

“We’re going to take a little trip to see our friends at the FBI. And Jenna, don’t think you’re off the hook. You’re coming too. Can’t have you running off and alerting anyone now, can we?”

My heart sank as they tied Vincenzo’s hands and roughly jerked me away from him. Then Ricci’s men tied mine and pushed me forward, making me stumble. Luckily, I caught myself, so I didn’t fall flat on my face.

Fuck. This was bad.

The stakes had just gotten much higher, and I didn’t see any way out.



The cold night air bit into my skin as Ricci’s men led me and Vincenzo out of the warehouse. They shoved us toward a dark van parked nearby. I wanted to run, but when Vincenzo cleared his throat and shook his head, I stayed by his side.

My heart pounded in my chest, and my hands were clammy. I met Vincenzo’s eyes, and his gaze was warm.

At least he was still with me.

“It’s going to be okay,” he murmured, the sound of his voice soothing to me despite the danger we were in. “Stay close to me. I’ll keep you safe,” he whispered.

“Shut up!” Ricci’s voice cut through the night, sharp and menacing. He marched over, a cruel smile playing on his lips. “Save your sweet nothings for later.”

We were pushed into the back of the cargo van, the metal floor cold and unforgiving beneath my knees. The door slammed shutbehind us, plunging us into darkness. I could feel Vincenzo’s presence beside me, his breath warm against my cheek.

“Jenna,” he whispered, his voice low and urgent. “No matter what happens, stay strong. We’ll get through this.”

I nodded, though he probably couldn’t see it.

“I trust you,” I whispered back, my voice trembling but resolute. I would be strong, not just for me, but for him.

The engine roared to life, and the van lurched forward. I could feel the vibrations through the floor, each jarring jolt sending a fresh wave of fear through me. Ricci’s men were silent, the only sounds the hum of the engine and the occasional murmur in the front from Ricci or someone else. I didn’t pay them any mind.

Instead, I leaned against Vincenzo, his chest warm against my back and I sighed a little in relief. He shifted slightly, positioning himself between me and the door as if to shield me from whatever was coming.

“We’ll find a way out,” he promised, his voice a quiet anchor in the storm.

“Enough!” Ricci snapped from the front of the van. “You’re not getting out of this, Vincenzo. Save your breath.”

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