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The van accelerated, and I didn’t know where we were going. I tried to focus on the rhythm of Vincenzo’s breathing, using it to calm the racing beat of my heart. Despite all of Ricci’s threats, I had to believe we would find a way to escape.


Minutes felt like hours as the van sped through the night. I closed my eyes, clinging to the hope that somehow, we would make it through this.

Suddenly, the van veered sharply to the left, and I could hear the distinct rumble of motorcycles behind us. My heart leaped into my throat.

What the…?

The van swerved again, and I was thrown against Vincenzo.

“Hold on,” he whispered, his voice tense. “Something’s going down.”

As the van accelerated, the roar of the motorcycles grew louder, the sound filling the air with a sense of impending doom. The van jerked violently, and I could hear shouting from the front. The bikers were closing in, their engines roaring around us like a pack of wild animals.

“What’s going on?” I whispered, my voice trembling.

“It’s an ambush,” Vincenzo muttered, but I noticed a slight smile on his face.

Wait. What was going on?

The van careened around a corner, the tires screeching as it struggled to maintain control. I leaned against Vincenzo, my heart pounding in my chest.

The van hit a bump, sending us both sprawling to the floor.

“Stay down,” Vincenzo ordered, his voice tight with urgency.

The van swerved again, and I could hear the unmistakable sound of gunfire. The back windows shattered, and I ducked, covering my head as glass rained down around us.

The van lurched to a sudden stop, and I was thrown forward, my head slamming into the cold metal wall. Dazed and disoriented, I struggled to sit up. The door to the van was flung open, and I was momentarily blinded by the harsh glare of headlights.

What the fuck was happening?

“Get out!” someone barked, and we staggered to our feet.

I stumbled out, my eyes adjusting to the bright lights, my legs weak and unsteady. In front of me was an intimidating group of bikers, their leather jackets covered with colorful patches and insignias. They looked like something out of a nightmare, their faces hard and cold, their dark eyes glinting from the soft glow of their headlights. My heart raced in fear.

Who the fuck were these men?

“Move!” one of Ricci’s men shouted, dragging me and Vincenzo out of the van.

As my eyes adjusted further, I spotted a familiar face leading the group.

It was Tony.

Relief flooded through me, but my fear remained. What was happening? Who were these guys and why were they with Tony?

“Ricci,” Tony called out, his voice steady but filled with underlying menace. “This ends now.”

Ricci’s smile was cold and harsh. “You think you can take me on? With this ragtag bunch? Fat chance, motherfucker.”

Tony’s gaze hardened. “These ‘ragtag’ men are former Navy SEALs and they’re with me. Plus, you’re outnumbered. By a long shot.”

I looked around, seeing that he was right.

For several moments, the tension radiated between the two groups. Then one of Ricci’s men lunged forward and utter chaos erupted in a matter of seconds.

Vincenzo pulled me to the side, shielding me as the fight raged around us.

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