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I could feel him here, as if the world was drawing me toward him.

“Y-you’re looking for something?” I asked, the question sounding so much more foolish than it had in my head.

We just need him to know we noticed.

Dan flinched, and I tensed for a strike, but my beautiful god Alpha lifted his hand. It was only the slightest motion, but enough to draw everyone to a standstill.

“I was,” he said. The beautiful Alpha’s words were made of a dark silk that spun around me, and my whole body went still at the sound of it.

The voice of a god…

A low whine caught in my chest and Dan stiffened, edging toward me like he didn’t want anyone to have to look at me longer than they needed to.

“I can help you find it,” I choked out before Dan could stop me.

His eyebrows rose subtly, mouth opening a fraction as he continued that stare. Then he closed it, the most breathtaking smile stretching his lips. His scent was hidden, which might have been enough to make me cry if I wasn’t so enraptured by his gaze.

Was it okay to stare this long?

Should I look away?

My mind was like scrambled eggs.

Did he want my help? His reaction was so strange I didn’t know how to translate it.

Other Omegas would know—that smile he’d given me was probably supposed to tip me off…


I don’t know what happened next. Lurching instincts turned my brain foggy. I think I tried to step toward him, a desperate motion that held no regard for the tray in my hand or my surroundings.

My foot caught on the shallow step up to the booth and in the next moment I’d crashed to the floor. I caught myself with my hands as the light waned and the edges of my vision darkened, panic crashing in.


No, no, no…

An uncomfortable heat rushed up my neck like it never had before. There weren’t many things that I understood the context of in order to feel embarrassed in the first place, but my cheeks burned and my heart smashed against my ribs.

A stupid, clumsy, worthless Omega.

That’s all he’d see…

“Youstupidwhore!” Dan snarled. With a blinding pain in my side, he kicked me across the floor. A strangled whine tore from my chest. “No one asked you to be here. Izzy’s on drinks tonight.”

Tears gathered in my eyes. Not from the pain, or the hatred, but because I’d failed.

The only true Alpha I’d ever crossed knew, already, how pathetic I was.

I scrambled to my knees, ignoring the ache in my stomach as I looked up at Dan, ready to apologise so he wouldn’t lock me in my room—if he let me stay, I would be able to watch from a distance at least.

To my shock, I saw that my god Alpha was on his feet. Dan caught the movement out of the corner of his eye and froze.

“Sorry, Maverick,” he said.

My gaze snagged on my god Alpha’s expression. There was something ice-cold and deadly in it, a look aimed at Dan.

Dan spoke, but I only caught fragments of his words. “... Her father couldn’t get rid of her fast enough… Instincts are out of control?—”

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