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“You know…” My beautiful god Alpha cut him off. “That’s what they say about me.” His low voice seeped through the cracks of my mind, and it was an echo I prayed would never leave.

“Those sorts of urges are more appropriate for an Alpha.”

“Those sorts of urges…?” the god Alpha asked curiously.

Dan took another slight step toward me and I could feel worry tangle with the fury in his vile stale fries scent.

My god Alpha spoke quietly, his words taking me by surprise. “Don’t touch her.”

“Really, she’s no one?—”

“I saiddon’t touch her.” That voice of silk turned to ice.

Was he… angry?

I shouldn’t have come…

Of course I shouldn’t. Someone like him wouldn’t want a nobody like me in his space. In his vision. Not anywhere near him.

Dan sounded strained. “I’ll send her away, she won’t be back?—”

“She’s mine.”

I blinked, lips parting in shock as I felt the weight of his attention settle over me.

A shiver crawled up my spine.


None of this made sense—he was scentless and so was I. I dared a glance up and found ice-blue eyes locked with mine.

He’s… choosing us?


A strange quiet descended upon the room, and Dan went still.

“Yours?” he asked, a hint of nervous humour in his voice, but at the word, I felt the sensation of warm honey sliding through my chest as the man who hated me tripped on nerves before the god who’d just stepped into his domain.


MyAlpha—as impossible as that was.

“You want her?—?”

“Wanther?” the god asked, cutting Dan off with a grin that stole my breath. “I didn’t say that. I said sheismine.”

Butterflies took flight in my stomach.

He felt it, too? Or perhaps he knew I saw him for what he was.

“Like a… scent match?” Dan asked, humour in his voice until he caught Ace’s deadly expression. “I mean—but her scent is hidden?”

“Are you calling me a liar?”

Dan paled. “Of course not.”


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