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“Then tell her how you’re feeling. I promise you Lauren has heard it all.” He tried to put my mind at ease and it mostly worked. “And negotiate the contract, see how high she will go on a signing bonus and the monthly salary afterwards.”

“You think I can negotiate this?”

“Of course you can! She expects it.” He took a piece of paper and started writing something down. “If you want my advice, try to negotiate for a signing bonus that feels safe for you, maybe three or four months salary, and then keep the same percentages she offered. You’ll have a safety net that way.”

I realized I was seeing Alex’s business side for the first time. I liked it. He knew when to be serious which was the bare minimum, but it was also so freaking hard to find these days. And he spoke like he knew what he was talking about.

“Fine, I guess I’ll try that,” I relented.

“I’m not sure why you are still working at the warehouse. Is the health insurance that good? I thought you would’ve quit by now, knowing how much you are making from the stream. Maybe started looking for something else.”

My nostrils flared and my chest tightened, “I’m still working there, because I’m not cut out for this! I’m not cut out for streaming or gaming or-or-”

Alex reached out and put his hand on top of mine and held it above the table. “Why are you thinking this? I thought you enjoyed what we were doing.”

“When you heal up I won’t be able to continue doing this. I don’t think I’m cut out for doing this streaming thing alone. That’swhy I’m keeping my job in the warehouse, even though I have the ability to quit now. Hell, I have more money in my bank account now than I have ever had and I honestly don’t know what to do and I’m scared.” I poured my anxiety out and I could feel my eyes sting.

Alex reached out and put his hands on my shoulders. “Then drop the signing bonus and negotiate a minimum timeframe for the contract. A year or two. Give this streaming thing a real chance. I’ll help you out with what I can and I promise you, you will figure it out. And at the end of your contract you can decide if you want to do this or if you want to go back to a normal job. Either way you would have enough of a financial cushion to start over in two years if that is what you want to do.”

“You really think I’m cut out for this? I’ve never even done this on my own.” I said still wallowing in my thoughts.

One of his hands trailed up to my chin and tilted my head up until I looked into his eyes.

“Hey, you won’t be on your own. I’m gonna help. Team Solid is going to help. You’ll see how awesome everyone is, I promise,” he said in a tender voice that made my heart grow heavier.

That night, as I tried to fall asleep, I couldn't stop thinking about Alex. His smile and the way his glasses slipped down his nose and how he had to constantly adjust them. The way he was soft-spoken and supportive in game and even when I almost ruined the cooking stream. Hell, he was funny and I had to admit, he looked good in his red and black Team Solid t-shirts. Especially when he rolled up the sleeves even more to show off his arms.

I twisted and turned for half an hour and gotincreasingly more and more heated and bothered. Why must he be so kind to me? And his slip-up today is making me think irrational thoughts. Babe? He was calling me babe in his mind?!

I finally gave up and let the image of Alex’s smooth lips and warm eyes enter my mind. I tried to go over my list of reasons this was a bad idea, it had helped last week but instead, all I could remember was his voice saying my name, praising me for a job well done after a stream. I could almost feel his lips ghost across my jaw. His voice was deep and rough in my mind. “You’re doing so well, Em.”

In my bed I couldn’t help but moan as I slid my hand under the elastic of my panties. I tried to convince myself that it was his hand as it dipped lower and felt how fucking soaked I was. Fucking hell, why was I so worked up about this fucking guy? I had sworn off gamers, sworn off anyone that reminded me of my ex. I was done. I didn’t want anyone. He was just a guy!

But the need that was pulsing in my core didn’t care about my rational thinking. As my—no—his fingers stroked my clit teasingly, the ache between my thighs got worse and worse. Fuck, I tried to keep myself at the edge, trying so desperately to talk myself down from it. Finally, I gave into it.

I imagined myself riding him, sliding myself along his cock as I slipped my fingers inside.

Fuck-fuck-fuck— My pussy clenched, gripping my fingers as I wished my fantasy had been real. I kept riding my fingers as the image in my mind faded in and out of focus. I tried to imagine Alex naked, his chest bare, his arms, oh I could picture his arms and hands just fine. I had been staring at them for fucking weeks. I felt a wave of anger wash over me at the same time as I let out a small groan, my legs shaking as I finally came. And afterwards, when I came down from the high, I realized I still felt unsettled.

Alex came into my life and turned it upside down. Casey used to be the only person I confided in, but today when I got that email, talking to Alex and pouring out all of my thoughts in front of him felt right. I felt like I could trust him. I felt heard and understood. I was falling for him and I didn’t know how to approach this.

He refused to kiss me, but he cuddled with me on the couch that night. He slipped up and called me babe of all things today. He was clearly also wrestling with some feelings.

You know what? Fuck it. I’ll give this streaming thing a real try. If Alex thought I could do it, if his manager thought so too, then I would do my best.

The following Monday I stood outside the Team Solid headquarters in downtown San Francisco. The building was sleek and modern, all glass and steel. My heartbeat pounded in my ears as I smoothed down my shirt and ran a hand through my hair before walking in. The receptionist greeted me with a warm smile and directed me to the conference room on the second floor.

I pushed open the door to the room and stepped inside, spotting Lauren sitting on the opposite side of the long black table. After I answered her email yesterday she was quick to set up this meeting.

“Emma, it's great to meet you in person,” Lauren said, standing up and extending her hand as I got to the table.

“Likewise,” I replied, shaking her hand and taking a seat opposite her.

Lauren was a tall woman, not much older than me, maybe twenty-seven, thirty seemed to be stretching it. She had long wavyginger hair and wore glasses with thin metal frames. A radiant smile plastered across her face. I felt vastly underdressed compared to the beautiful business-casual gray dress she was wearing.

She slid the contract across the table. “Before we get into the details, I just want to have a candid conversation with you.”

I nodded, feeling a knot form in my stomach. I had an inkling about it and it made me nervous.

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