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MnstrX Best Coach NA confirmed


Is this a new hack? Exploit?


I can’t believe he’s boosting his new gf

I saw a mod banning the last two chatters in real-time.

We proceeded with our usual coaching lesson and I could see Emma was enjoying herself again with none of the annoyance she radiated on Friday. She actually started talking through her decision-making instead of me having to prompt her with questions and I could really see she had improved.

After the end of the stream, I congratulated her privately on hitting GM.

“You’re doing so great, Em,” I said, smiling at her. “I’m really impressed, I have to say. From Masters to GM in a week is a crazy accomplishment.”

“Thanks, Alex. I couldn’t have done it without your coaching though,” she replied, blushing slightly. “I think about the game so differently now it’s crazy. It would’ve taken me months. Maybe youcancoach me to Challenger in a month.”

I was secretly super proud of her, but it would be weird to tell her that now. And my ego was thriving on the fact that I had given her the confidence to start playing like this. Because while I taught her a thing or two, this wasn’t rocket science and it wasn’t as life-changing as she made it out to be. She still played like she did before I coached her, she just did it with more confidence now. The old habits that led her to lose momentum in the game, those were still there, and those would take a lot longer to unlearn. But for now I was certain she was on track to get to Challenger by our agreed-upon end date.

I decided to show her the earnings from the YouTube video. Her eyes widened, and her jaw actually hung in the air for a second before she snapped her mouth shut.

“I want to transfer your share,” I said. “I’ll do that tonight.”

She hesitated, looking uncomfortable. “Thanks.”

“Also, the thing you did with the surprise GM announcement on stream was lowkey genius. We farmed a couple of thousand clip views from that alone. I checked Twitter, and more people joined the stream because so many were losing their shit over you ranking up this fast.”

She was beaming, a huge smile gracing her lips that was nothing like the small timid smiles and the slightly crooked smirks I’d seen from her before. And in that moment, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I realized I was in deep, deep trouble. There were already rumors about the two of us dating and viewers were always quick to jump on things like this. A man and a woman weren’t allowed to just be friends in the industry without such rumors. But was it such a bad thing that I wanted to actually give it a try?

“Would you like to stay? I was thinking of watching a movie before calling it a night,” I asked before she could reach for her jacket.

Her eyes narrowed in on me. “That would depend on what movie.”

Fuck, I hadn’t even thought about that. I said the first movie that came to mind. “Shrek Two.”

Her jaw dropped slightly as she lost her composure. “I—I’m staying,” she finally got out, then added, “As long as you promise you won't get too annoyed if I start singing the songs.”

I tried my best not to smile as I nodded. “I promise.”

Chapter 7


A movie nighton a work night was not a good idea. But I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to watch one of my favorite movies with the guy I was developing a crush on. I felt like a blushing teenager as I was justifying this to myself but damn it I wanted to do it, so I’d do it goddammit.

I made myself comfortable on the couch as Alex brought out some snacks and a big bowl of popcorn for each of us from the kitchen. He offered me a blanket and I accepted it immediately. I wrapped it around my shoulders and cozied up into the corner where the armrest met the back of the couch. He sat down in the other corner of the couch and set down a bowl of gummy candy on his armrest, along with the popcorn.

“You good?” He asked and I nodded. Then he started the movie.

I got sucked into it right away even though I have watched it more than a dozen times. At some point I started whispering the lines from the movie.

Alex hadn’t made a comment about it, but when I looked athim, I saw the corners of his lips were tugging up. I refused to acknowledge it, instead cleared my throat.

“Can I have a few gummy bears?” I asked.

“Of course,” he said, handing me the bowl. “Have more than a few.”

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