Page 68 of Stalking Margery

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Margery’s eyes filled with tears. Ethanhadn’t ever been this possessive when they first started dating. She’d never had someone who treated her like this. Like she was the world,theirworld.

“Now, let’s go get you some food.”

Excitement bubbled inside of her as he grabbed her hand and left the room and toward the kitchen. She took in everything as they walked down the steps. It was a big house with high ceilings, but everything was either white, black, or gray. It was also empty. There weren’t a lot of things hung on the wall or furniture in the room.

It was like a house he had so he could crash there a couple of times a month. It didn’t seem like he lived there. But she could be wrong. Daddy could live there, and he just liked things to be simple.

Margery had never seen his old place. She had only been over when his mom was alive, and she had decorated the house. Every holiday, there were new decorations. Well, at least the couple of times she visited, it was always decorated.

“What are you wanting for lunch?” Daddy asked as they took the last step.

“Options?” Margery asked.

She didn’t want to say something and have him say it wasn’t available. Especially if it was something she was craving. That was the absolute worst.

Daddy started to speak, but Margery didn’t hear any of it. The first thing she saw as they walked into the kitchen were two huge men sitting at the island.

Margery bit her lip as she stared at them. They were talking to each other, eating, and looking harmless, but theway they looked, she knew they weren’t harmless. If they were Daddy’s men, they had to have killed several people.

“Little one?” Daddy called out.

The men looked in her direction, and she stepped closer to Daddy. Nerves bubbled up inside of her as they continued to look at them.

“Hey, boss,” they both said.

“Dahmere. Clinton,” Daddy responded.

She had no clue who was who, and she honestly didn’t want to know. They looked like they could crush her with their pinky finger.

“This is Margery,” Daddy introduced her.

She held onto his hand tighter and almost hid behind him.

“Can you say hi to Dahmere and Clinton?”

Margery didn’t want to, though. They looked terrifying. Why would she want to say hi to them when they could probably kill her in a hundred different ways? What if they didn’t like the way she said hello and decided to come back later and kill her? Ethan wasn’t always going to be with her to keep her safe.

“You’re okay. Everything is okay. You can say hi to them,” Daddy murmured kindly.

Her mind was at war with itself going back and forth between Ethan and Daddy. Both of them sounded right, but Daddy sounded perfect. Was she ready to take that step and not go back?

Margery didn’t know why, in this instant, she thought about calling him by his first name or Daddy but she had. Maybe she was trying to distract herself from the two scarymen in front of her. They were still staring at her intently. Were they ever going to look away?

“Margery’s a little shy,” Daddy said.

“Probably from this ugly mug,” one man said while pointing to the other.

“Clint, not the time,” the other man said.

He must be Dahmere.

“I think this is the perfect time. There is no doubt she’s scared right now. Her legs are shaking, and she’s ghostly white. The way she is clutching onto her Daddy’s hands just shows how scared she is,” Clint said.

“You’re not helping.”

“Well, I was when I called you an ugly mug. I was trying to help calm her down. But you just had to go and ruin it.” Clinton rolled his eyes.

“I think you’re just making everything worse. You have a tendency to do that.”

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