Page 67 of Stalking Margery

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“Not too many rules, but some.”

“Okay?” Margery questioned.

“You will not leave the house without me. You are to stay with me at all times. We will only be going to the kitchen today to get something to eat and maybe the living room. That is all for today. And remember, if at any point you need to say your safe word, you can.”

Daddy had told her that several times. Always reminding her that if she needed to, she could use her safe word. Red was her safe word. It was something easy that she could remember.

Sometimes, he would randomly remind her that she could use it. When he first started making comments about it, she thought it was a little weird. But as time went on, she realized it wasn’t. She remembered some of the books she had read and how the Daddy always reminded the Little that they could use their safe word at any time.

“Do you understand?” he asked.

“That basically I’m a prisoner?” Margery quipped.

Margery didn’t sleep well the night before. She had spentsome of it crying, and she had spent some of it reading. It’s not like she couldn’t take a nap during the day. She was locked in the room, so she felt like all she was doing was sleeping, eating, reading, and nothing else.

Daddy did come during every meal, but sometimes, he didn’t stay long. She figured it was due to Bonnie. She had a feeling Bonnie did something that Daddy didn’t approve of, and he was trying to fix it.

While Bonnie wasn’t the type of girl to cause problems, sometimes, she still found herself in trouble. Bonnie didn’t think many things through. Or she didn’t think of everything that could happen. Margery didn’t know if that had changed in the last eighteen years, but she figured it probably hadn’t.

“You are not a prisoner. After today, you are allowed to roam around the house.”

“And the outside?” she asked, getting excited.

Maybe she could go play outside and run off. But at the same time, she just wanted to be outside. She loved the feel and smell of the fresh air.

“Not yet. I’m waiting for something to come in before we can go outside. But once it arrives, you won’t be able to leave without me,” he explained.

“So, you don’t trust me.” Margery was offended.

She didn’t know why it shocked her, but it did. Did he really not trust her? Was it always going to be like this?

“I didn’t say that. I’m just cautious. I have a lot of enemies, and I don’t want you going out alone. There might be people watching my house right now, and for you to leave without me or any of my men, could cause you to be hurt. I’m not going to allow that to happen.”

“So then I can leave with one of your men?” Her eyes went wide as she registered what she just said. “I didn’t mean it like that! I just meant, if I wanted to go to the store, all I have to do is bring one of your men with me.”

Daddy chuckled and wrapped his arms around her. “I know what you meant. Right now, no. I’m trying to figure out who I want to go with you. Who I really trust since you are my life.”

“You don’t trust your men?” Margery was confused.

“I didn’t say that. You are precious cargo, and I don’t want just anyone to guard you. All of my men are loyal, and I do trust them.”

To Margery, it didn’t seem like he did trust all of his men. The way he talked made it seem like there were some men who he was still iffy about.

“I promise all of my men are loyal. They will never put you in harm’s way or treat you poorly,” Daddy told her.


“I promise. They all have the same values as I do with women. We cherish them, love them, and discipline them when they are naughty,” he explained. “And if they look at you the wrong way or treat you the wrong way, you let me know. I’ll kill them.”

Her mouth fell open. “You wouldn’t.”

“Watch me.”

“You can’t just kill your own men!”

Daddy was absolutely mad. He had to know that.

“If they look at you wrong or treat you wrong; I can, and I will. They know you are my life, my queen."

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