Page 66 of Stalking Margery

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She was trying to wrap her brain around everything he was telling her. There was so much, and she didn’t know if she would be able to.

“I killed a lot of people in that forty-eight hours. Didn’t really have much time to process what I had done until after. By that point, I was numb. You kind of just push those feelings away until you can safely deal with them. And you safely deal with them by letting your rage out in a fight.”

He started to apply lotion to her arms, gently rubbing it in.

“I thought I would come to you after a year. I figured it would have been safer at that point, but I was wrong. The first couple of years were hard and long. There was so much to learn.”

“Do you not care?” she asked. “The innocent lives you took.”

Daddy chuckled. “None of the people I killed were innocent. They were corrupt. People who went out and terrorizedwomen and children. People who had been in the business so long they didn’t care about right or wrong anymore. They didn’t have a conscience.”

“How are you different?” Margery blurted out.

She had seen the evidence of him killing somebody through pictures. And then she saw him kill Max with her own eyes. How was he going to explain how he was different? Give her some excuse?

“While it may not seem like I have a conscience, I do. Sure, some things are a little warped. It doesn’t bother me to kill. But me and my men don’t hurt innocent women. It was a rule I enforced and anybody who broke it in the very beginning died,” he explained. “That was a lot back then but when people realized I was serious about it, they stopped. Some of them got good at hiding it but the people I suspect were still doing it, I had some of my loyal men follow. It is not tolerated at all.”

Him saying that made her want to overlook all the bad. While he was bad and dealt with illegal things, he still had a little conscience left.

“So, you help keep women safe?”

“Not necessarily. We don’t go out searching for women in danger. It’s a rule of ours that innocent people don’t get hurt. So, when we are conducting business, we try to make sure no innocent bystanders are near.”

“Conduct business?”

“Drugs, skins, and more.”

Her eyes went wide, and she opened her mouth, getting ready to ask a question.

“I will not be telling you about any of that.”

She quickly closed her mouth and nodded. Would she be able to live with herself if she stayed with him? He probably dealt and manufactured drugs. She didn’t know what skins was, but she had a pretty bad feeling it was something she wasn’t going to like.

“Please leave, I need some time to think,” she whispered as he finished putting the lotion on her skin.

Margery wanted time to think about everything he had just told her. It was a lot to take in. She knew she wouldn’t be able to think about any of it with him there.

“I’ll leave for now, but don’t get used to it. I won’t let you run away from things for long.”



“When can I leave the room?” Margery asked.

It had been several days since she had been brought there, and not once had she left. She was starting to go stir-crazy from being locked up in the room for so long. She figured it had to have been at least four days since she was taken from her bed.

Daddy told her every day that he had something to do. He had briefly mentioned his sister, Bonnie, being with her Daddies, but she didn’t quite understand. He didn’t go into detail, and she didn’t really want to ask. Okay, she really did want to ask, but she didn’t feel like it was the right moment.

Part of her didn’t feel like she could ask him questions. It just seemed foreign and a little weird. Maybe it was because he didn’t seem to be in a good mood. She didn’t want to make him more agitated than he already was.

But there was no doubt Margery was intrigued. Did Bonnie have two Daddies? Or had Ethan make a mistake when he spoke?

“There are a couple of rules we need to go over before we can leave the room.”

She looked at him skeptically. Why did she need rules? Was one of them going to be no running away? If he said that, she would probably laugh. It would be a dumb rule, and she didn’t know for sure if she could follow it or not.

She was still trying to make up her mind about whether she wanted to leave or not. Margery had cried about it a couple of times at night when he left. She was so overwhelmed with her feelings.

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