Page 54 of Stalking Margery

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“How long?” Ethan pushed.

“I promise I was going to tell you, but you… died.”

There was no way he could get mad at her for somethingshe couldn’t control. He didn’t inform her about faking his own death.

“Have you told anybody?” he gently asked, inching his way a tad closer to her.

Margery shook her head. She didn’t trust anybody with that information. While people were open-minded a lot didn’t understand age play. And most of them didn’t want to learn or understand after hearing about it. That was what Margery had heard. She had never told anybody, so she had never witnessed it.

“Oh, Little one. I bet that was tough. Keeping it all to yourself and not having anybody to talk to.” Daddy moved to sit on the bed and gently pulled her into his arms. “You don’t need to worry now. Daddy is here to take care of you.”

She relaxed in his embrace for a couple of seconds, loving the feeling of his arms around her. This was what she needed all these years. To have someone to hold her, love her, and cherish her.

“Daddy is going to make up for the lost time. We’re going to have the rest of our lives together.”

Margery pulled away from Ethan and shook her head. “I need to go home. I can’t be here; I shouldn’t be here. I have work to do, a life to live.”

“You aren’t going anywhere. You’re staying where you belong. I know you still have feelings for me as I do for you.”

She shook her head once again, not believing his words. “I don’t have feelings for you anymore.”

A big fat lie.

Margery was going back and forth with herself. She knew that even though he had faked his death and stalked her, sheshouldn’t want him. But that wasn’t her case. She did want him, and she still loved him. Part of her knew it was wrong because he had put her through so much, but another part of her didn’t care.

There was a tiny voice inside her who wanted to say ‘screw it’ and pretend everything was okay. But she knew that wasn’t healthy. She knew he was wasn’t a good person. She didn’t know how much of a deprave person Ethan was or what he did, but she figured it was pretty bad since he had murdered somebody for her. If he was willing to kill, what was going to stop him from doing it again?


Ethan gripped her chin. “Lies.”

“It’s not lies.”

He raised an eyebrow, and Margery knew she was a goner. When they dated all those years ago, he would do the exact same thing when she was lying or in trouble. And every single time, it worked.

“Do I need to spank you like I did before for lying to me?”

Her eyes went wide at the mention of that. They had an interesting relationship when they were younger. Looking back, it was a lot like a Daddy and Little girl relationship. She had rules to follow, and when she didn’t, she would get into trouble.

“I can see someone forgot about that. If you lie to me one more time, I will put you over my knee.”

Margery’s breath caught in her lungs as she stared at him. Was he giving her an empty threat, or was he going to follow through? So many things had changed.

“You wouldn’t.”

“Try me.”

They stared at each other for several seconds before she looked away. His gaze was so intense.

“No. This can’t be happening,” she denied.

“And why not?” he asked.

“Because when you died, your fake death, a piece of me died as well. I was starting to move on when you came back and took me. You should have left me alone.”

“But you really don’t believe that, do you?”

Margery clenched her jaw. And here were her mixed feelings again. Part of her hated him for coming back and taking her. Even though she had been finally beginning to live her life, a part of her was excited.

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