Page 35 of Stalking Margery

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She patted the back of her pocket to grab her phone but quickly realized she didn’t have it with her. Margery had left it at the cabin when Ethan showed up in the middle of the storm. Not that it would have done her much good if she had it because it was probably dead by now. She wouldn’t have even been able to charge it since her charger was back at the cabin.

Yeah, her life kind of sucked right now.

Not only was her phone there, lots of her clothes and shoes were also there. And she didn’t have a car either because she totaled it in the rain. Thankfully, her stuffed animal wasn’t at the cabin. Margery had a feeling she shouldn’t bring it, and she was glad she didn’t.

Then she would have been really lost.

Honestly, she probably would have driven up there to get it.

But with what money?

Her wallet was also at the cabin. All her credit cards and cash were in there. How was she going to do anything? How was she going to get a new phone?

There were so many things she needed to work out, but she couldn’t unless she had something that she could actually sort out. It was a vicious cycle, and she didn’t know how to figure it out.

Maybe when she saw Adalisa at work, she could borrow some money and buy a phone. That would be the start to a lot of things. Then she could figure out her credit card stuff and maybe even open up her PayPal to pay for things.

One little step at a time. That’s what she needed to remind herself at this moment. There was nothing else she could do. Not until she saw Adalisa tomorrow.

Margery just hoped that Adalisa would be understanding of this situation. Maybe once she said explained about the car accident and ending up in hospital, she would be. And there was no doubt she would pay her back.

She wasn’t like one not to pay back her friends when they helped her out. It was rude, and she was able to do it. She just needed help first.

There was no reason for her to do anything now. She had no clue if Adalisa was at work, and she didn’t want to walk all the way there, only for her to be at home. But she knew Adalisa would be working tomorrow morning, so she would be able to see her then. Right now, she would just relax and try to get some sleep that she desperately needed.

Sighing, Margery walked toward her bedroom, opened her door, and went through. The first thing she saw was another stuffed zebra sitting on her bed with a card next to it.

She screamed and backed up against the wall.

“Not happening. This is not happening,” she mumbled to herself.

Her eyes were trained on the stuffed zebra. It looked so real, but it couldn’t be. Could it?

“I’m seeing things. I am seeing things. It isn’t real. I’m okay. There isn’t a stuffed zebra on my bed. I must be hallucinating, or it must be the mild concussion I have,” she started to talk to herself, sounding crazier as the seconds went by.

There was no way he could have put the stuffed zebra there. Was he not busy doing something else? Was all his focus on her and trying to torture her?

There was a possibility Ethan could have placed it in her house. She was in the hospital for hours, and he wasn’t. Ethan could have also put it there after she had gone to the cabin. There was no real way to know when he placed it in her house, and she figured she was never going to find out.

“This can’t be real, but it looks so real,” she mumbled.

Margery carefully pushed off the wall and tentatively walked toward the bed. She knew the stuffed zebra wasn’t going to bite, but she couldn’t help but be wary.Was he in her house right now? Was he outside, waiting to see her reaction?

Her eyes went to her window, only to find the blinds closed. She relaxed a tiny bit, knowing he wouldn’t be able to see inside her house. He couldn’t possibly since there was only one window in her room, and it was closed.

She bent down and picked up the zebra. The word ‘for’ was embroidered on the heart with the same signature at the end.

“This is real,” she whispered. “So real.”

She put the stuffed zebra on the ground before picking the note up. Ethan had never left a note before, but this time, he decided to.


Why give her a note after he had already sent so many other stuffed zebras? It made no sense,. However, Ethan was different and not the person she had known before. This could be the new him, someone who didn’t make any sense until the very end.

With shaky hands, she opened the note and read it.

The time wasn’t right. Be prepared. Your love.

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