Page 34 of Stalking Margery

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“Don’t play dumb. I know about the way the guy looked at you when he brought you in. There’s something between you two.”

Margery gave her a confused look. “I thought you said you weren’t there when he dropped me off.”

“I wasn’t, but nurses talk. I heard it from them. One of them is a storyteller so we have all the good details."

She didn’t know how to feel about that. Obviously, Ethan was trying to win over people. Acting like a hero, telling them he found her, and so much more. And all of that was false. Ethan wasn’t the hero, and while he did find her, he had been stalking her, and then he had killed Max.

People shouldn’t like people who did those things.

“I just think you should give him a chance. He obviously cares for you, even though he left you at the hospital alone. But maybe it’s because you two can’t be out in public yet. My sister was like that with her man.”

Margery shook her head. That was not the case for them, but she couldn’t flat-out say he was stalking her. Nobody seemed to believe her, so she wasn’t going even to mention it. People thought she was making things up, but that was far from the truth.

“You keep telling yourself that. You two obviously care for each other. I would hate for you to miss out on the opportunity of love. It’s one of the best things in the world. Everyone should experience it once in their life. But if you two aren’t ready for it, don’t push it. Your time will come,” the nurse mused.

How was she supposed to respond to that? There was no good way. The nurse didn’t know the whole story. She didn’t know how Ethan had died over eighteen years ago and that he had been stalking her.

Margery assumed if the nurse knew everything, she wouldn’t be saying this. That is, if she believed everything Margery said.

“Well, here’s your ride. You stay safe out there. If he doescome back around, go for it. Live your life and live with him,” the nurse said as a car pulled up.

“Margery?” the driver asked.

Margery got into the car and gave the driver her address. Would everything be as she left it, or was there going to be something waiting for her?

She suspected there wasn’t going to be anything in her house because Ethan had been busy with her the past couple of days. Unless he got somebody else to do his work, but she figured that wasn’t going to be the case. She had a feeling Ethan worked by himself, but she could have been wrong.

She obviously didn’t know Ethan, or well, the new Ethan. Things had changed in the eighteen years she hadn’t seen him. Maybe someone could have taken his face and put it on another person.

Was that even possible? Margery didn’t know, and it sounded too weird, but she also knew anything was possible on the black market. She didn’t know from experience but from talk.

“Here you are, ma’am,” the man announced as they pulled in front of her house.

Thanking him, Margery quickly got out of the car and made her way toward her house. Fingers crossed, the key was still under the mat like she had left it.

She jogged to the front door and swiftly looked around to see if anybody was out before she bent down and checked.

“Yes,” she whispered and fist-pumped the air.

Unlocking the door, she walked inside and took a deep breath in. Everything looked to be where it was before she left. The stuffed zebras she received beforewere on the dining room table in a line. The dishes she had left in the sink were still there.

She quickly looked away from the zebras. Her mind didn’t need to be there right now, not when she had just gone through so much.

Who could she contact who would believe her? Margery knew she couldn’t call the police because the guy made it clear he didn’t accept her version of events. That it was that she had a secret admirer.

But who else could she go to? She couldn’t go to the FBI because they didn’t handle things like this. She couldn’t go to the CIA because she didn’t even know if they were real.

Who else could she go to then?

There weren’t a lot of options, and she felt lost and unsure. Her coworker didn’t even seem to believe her, which was speaking volumes.

If her own coworker and Max didn’t believe her, then who would? ’

No one.

Margery was feeling more alone than ever, and she didn’t like it. Not one bit.

“What am I going to do?” she whispered to herself.

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