Page 33 of Stalking Margery

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“Why am I hooked up to so many different things? Am I okay? Am I dying?”

Did Ethan do something to her while she was passed out? Inject her with something that would make her die slowly?

No, that wasn’t possible. He wanted her, or that’s what he said. But if he wanted her, why did he drop her off there? Why wasn’t she with him?

Not that Margery wanted him to be. She didn’t want to be anywhere near him. Or that was what she told herself. There was always going to be part of her that wanted him and to be with him.

But he was different.

So different.

Almost like he was a completely new person in the same body. She fought her emotions over the whole situation. Did she find it hot, or was she scared out of her mind and wanted nothing to do with him?

“You aren’t dying. You came in very dehydrated and hada very mild concussion. We were monitoring you and helping you get hydrated again. Nothing to worry about now,” she calmly offered. “You are good to be discharged. I was checking in to see if you were awake before I left.”

“Did he give you a name?” she asked.

Maybe he gave whoever took her from him a message.

“The nurse who got you said he didn’t say anything. Sorry. Were you expecting him to say something? Are you all right?”

“I’m fine. Just wondering.” Margery shrugged, feeling a little disappointed.

“Do you remember much about what happened? Do I need to call the police?”Concern was written all over the nurse’s face.

“Nope, it’s fine.”Rainey forced her smile.

“But there was a dead body next to you.”

“I bet the guy took care of it. He found me, which means he probably called the police after he got me to the hospital.”

“Do you remember where you were?”The nurse inquired.

Why was she asking so many questions? Was this normal for a nurse? Margery shouldn’t have asked the last question. It opened a can of worms she didn’t want to talk about.

“I was out of the city. Can’t really remember where, so he probably didn’t want to wait for an ambulance. Honestly, I’m fine.”

“If you’re sure, we can discharge you.”

“I’m sure.”

The nurse nodded and walked to the door. “I’ll get thepaperwork. Someone will be in shortly to help with unhooking and taking everything off.”


It didn’t take long for the nurse to come in and start to unhook everything, and before Margery knew it, she was walking out of the hospital.

How was she going to get home? She didn’t have her phone, keys, or anything. Hopefully, Adalisa still had her spare key and wasn’t busy right now. But how was she going to get in contact with her?

Margery stopped and thought for a moment. She left a key under her rug a while ago and hadn’t removed it. Fingers crossed, it was still there, and she could get in. Now, to catch a cab or something with no money.

“I’ve got a cab coming for you. Already paid for,” the nurse insisted as she walked out of the building. “Don’t worry about trying to pay me back. You just take care of yourself and don’t get into a situation like that again.”


“Sweetie. I may be older, but I’m not blind. You know the guy who saved you. You were in a bad situation, and he saved you.”

“What?” Margery gasped.

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