Page 93 of Years Between You

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It does have that effect.

“We should get moving. Don’t want him to shit on your nice, new lawn.”

Instead of responding, Wyatt drops to his knees and gives Freddy attention that’s well deserved. He’s getting a treat for not jumping all over the man during our conversation.

“Freddy,” I tell him before he can ask.

“Oh, Freddy. You’re a cool guy,” he coos, scratching him behind the ears.

“He’s the coolest,” I agree.

We promise to be back shortly, and continue on our walk. I’m grateful that my dog waits until we’re in front of someone else’s house to take care of business.

“That guy used to be so nerdy.”

Autumn laughs. “In what way?”

“Not in a bad way, but so much different than what we just saw. He was really into Star Wars— Okay,way toointo Star Wars. He got picked on for it, but I always thought he was cool.” I lean in to whisper. “Even if I couldn’t stand those movies.”

She gasps dramatically. “I’m going to tell him.”

“I’d rather you didn’t,” I say with a smirk.

“I think it’s great luck that he’s one of your new neighbors.”

“I think so, too.”

We both seem to fall into our heads, and I don’t notice when we're almost done until we're crossing the street.

“You haven’t talked a lot about your friends.”

I let out a long breath, but most of the unease at talking to her about it has faded. Maybe at first I was nervous she would judge me, or think I was pathetic. Now I know she’s not capable of anything but understanding.

“Yeah. I don’t really have any left,” I admit. “It’s not completely Kara’s fault, I could have tried harder… It was just so complicated, it was easier not to.”


I shrug. “I don’t even have a sure answer. She was unhappy when I brought them around, and she was unhappy when I went out without her. It felt like I couldn’t win. Ineededa win, I tried for so long, but I never got one. I eventually just gave up on everything.”

She stops me when we’re at my front door and pulls me to face her. Before I can assure that it’s okay, her arms are around me. I squeeze her back, realization hitting me hard. Now that it’s out there, it feels a little easier to move forward.

When she pulls away, she tries to be subtle about wiping under eyes. I grab her hand, and take its place with my mouth. I place a kiss under one eye, and then the other. She starts giggling, because I’m sure it tickles, but then I silence her with my mouth on hers.

“Now you have at least two,” she says quietly.

“At least?”

She puts her hand up to count on her fingers. “Me and your new neighbor, that’s two. Then there’s Reya and Vic, who will probably never leave you alone from this point forward. Good luck with that.”

I laugh against her mouth before kissing her again. Doesn't sound like a problem to me.



Spending every other night with Miles might have been a mistake, because I am addicted after only a few days together. I could happily spend every second with him, and not just because the sex is mind-blowing. Everything from making breakfast together, to playing with Freddy, and all the laughs in between have me wishing we could do this forever.

Being the thoughtful guy he is, he felt guilty being the reason that my cat was home alone those nights. We stopped at the pet store to get her toys, even though I told him she would lose interest quickly. He didn't care and I'm glad. It was too precious to watch the two of them roll around on the floor, her chasing toys on strings that he happily threw around.

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