Page 64 of Years Between You

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“Don’t you think I would have already done that if I knew how? That’s the problem here.”

“You need a rebound or something. Someone to remind you that the world doesn’t end and begin with Miles,” Vic suggests. “It’s been a few months, right?”

I feel my face heat with embarrassment. I know they’re not judging me for that fact, but they’re both far from having that problem.

Reya beams over at her.

“I am so excited that you and I are on the same page!”

“Says the girl that wanted her to have Miles’ babies ten minutes ago!”

I pout. “I don’t know how to find a rebound. That sounds exhausting.”

“You don’t have to find one, you’ve got easy access to the guy upstairs.”

“God?” Vic asks, confused.

“Ben! You can save yourselves the awkward convo, and ride that train again.”

She’s right, but we stopped sleeping together for a reason.

“I wouldn’t call it a train.”

They both snicker, already knowing the details.

I guess thatwasback before I felt this desperately unsatisfied.

I roll my eyes at myself, hating that I’m even considering the idea.

There should be nothing stopping me. I’m single. Available. And yet I can’t quite ignore the nagging feeling in my gut that seems a lot like guilt.

“Proceed with caution,” Vic says. “But I don’t think it’s the worst idea.”

I am not sold on it.

I wake up with my breathing heavy and my skin feeling like it’s on fire. The cliffhanger to the dream I just had should be illegal. The fact that it was only a dream should be illegal.

The image of Miles trailing kisses down my body continues to linger in my mind, and I groan in frustration. My conversation with my girls did not have the right effect on my subconscious. It’s torture.

I glance over to my bedside drawer where my favorite vibrator is kept. Grabbing it doesn’t even sound like a good time.

Especially because all that makes me think about is how Miles knows what my favorite one looks like. He knows it’s purple. He knows that I use it.

I wonder how much he’s thought about that today.

I throw myself out of my bed and grab my phone, staggering out into the hallway. Elaine rubs against my leg as I go, causing me to stumble and almost trip over her. She’s really good at that.

I go straight to my coffee machine, ready to toss a coffee pod in before pausing.

How long did I even sleep?

Another furry brush against my leg, followed by a howl of a meow reminds me before I even glance at the window. It’s dark outside, and my cat wants dinner. I must have only dozed off a couple hours ago.

I bend down to scratch the top of her head.

“What a good, patient girl. You didn’t even wake mommy up,” I murmur in a baby voice that’s reserved strictly for her.

I feed her, give her fresh water, and sit right on the floor next to her while she goes to town. She ignores my pets and praises, but I respect it. A girl’s got to eat.

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