Page 47 of Years Between You

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“Oh no, I just had a drawer pickup. I’m afraid I don’t.”

I’m quick to tell her it’s not a problem, and order a few random treats from the menu. It does the trick, and she’s carefully loading everything, including a cup holder with my drinks, into a large, handled, paper bag within a minute.

“Okay hun! I arranged it so nothing is likely to spill, but be careful.” She hands it to me with both hands, and I take it from her the same way. I’m careful not to jostle it around, even though I’d watched her put stoppers in all of the lids.

“Thank you.” I look up at her as I say it, and we make eye contact. Her face falls for a single second, and I can tell it hits her. She knows who I am.


Her farewell smile is now strained, and I want the ground to open up and swallow me whole. Small towns are not as cute as the movies make them out to be, considering how high the odds are that you’ll run into people you don’t care to see.

As if I wasn’t feeling scattered enough, Miles is standing at his mothers desk when I walk back into the office. I have to resist the urge to drop the bag and turn around, because I don’t know how to do this. I’m not great at pretending to be unaffected, the fact proven by my increased heart rate and sweaty palms.

I intentionally avoid looking at him out of petty anger, and a little bit of fear. I bring the goods to my desk, pulling out the coffees and treats. Kaitlyn appears out of blue, with grabby hands, and only sticks around long enough for me to hand hers over. She gives me a very appreciative thank you, and apologizes for having to leave again.

Amelia groans when I hand over hers.

“You’re saving my life this morning.”

“That’s what I’m here for,” I chirp. It’s the fakest voice I’ve got, reminding me of Isabelle standing in her walk-up window again.

“Anything that could save my life in there?” Miles asks. There’s obviously a hidden meaning, he needs saving from the fact that he let me worry all night.

As if he hadn’t seen the panic on my face when he left my apartment.

“Muffins and scones,” I reply. It sounds short, so I’m sure to look up and smile at him. I hope he knows it’s only a show for Amelia. “Plenty of extra.”

He comes up to stand way too close to me as he peeks in the bag. “Ooh, orange cranberry?”

I have to keep myself from swatting it out of his hand. “Actually, that one is for your mom. She’s usually the only person that eats them.”

“Ah!” She exclaims from her desk. “Good looking out.” She reaches her hand out towards him, and closes it a couple times in a grabbing motion. He chuckles before handing it over.

“I should've known.”

I focus on my computer, coffee in hand. Amelia always has a folder full of random notes about the recent clients she’s met with, things they loved, things they hated. I add it all to their profiles for future reference. It gives me inspiration for my own apartment. Not that it’s big enough, or luxurious enough for most of the things I see around here. I’d just like to play around if I ever have the extra money to do so. Maybe add a fake tree, or a large area rug.

Then I imagine Elaine getting her claws into all of it, and change my mind.

I feel Miles’ eyes on me as I work.

Doesn’t he know that's making it difficult for me to concentrate?

There are some scans where I can’t read Amelia’s handwriting. It happens every so often, because she has to jot these things down so quickly. When I look to her to ask, her focus is on her son.

And thatwonderfulscowl is back on her face, because she’s watching him stare at me.

Where is your self awareness, Miles?

“Don’t you have to get going?” she asks him before I can figure out my next move. I look at him just in time to miss the eye contact. He slightly shakes his head, like he’s trying to snap out of something.

Took him long enough.

“Yeah, I have to get to work. Thanks for the scone.” Then he hugs his mother goodbye, and leaves without another glance at me.

I’m totally fine with that, and not at all frustrated. Obviously.

Amelia seems to be back to normal when I ask about her notes. I’m grateful when the rest of the day flies by without any more discomfort. I could not handle it if it did.

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