Page 48 of Years Between You

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“Oh! Here,” I tell her as I pull her change from my back pocket. Instead of grabbing it, she shakes her head at me.

“Keep it.”

I’m confused. “What? No, it’s your money from the—”

“I know, darling. I’m telling you to keep it. Consider it a small thank you.”

My mind refuses to wrap around this. “B-but, no, it’s—”

She sighs like I’m a child that doesn’t understand, which to be fair, is exactly what I feel like. “Don’t worry about it. Think of it as a tip for all of your hard work.” She gives me a once-over. “Maybe you could use it to buy some new jeans?”

I know she didn’t mean it harshly, but it feels like a punch to the face. I look down at my jeans that were once a solid black, but have faded to a splotchy gray. I do wear them often, but that’s because they’re comfortable. I didn’t think anyone would notice.

“Uh, sure,” I mumble, feeling flustered.

“Good. Great,” she corrects. “Now have a good weekend, and we’ll see you Tuesday.”



It’s finally the day of the party. I delegated some tasks to the girls to help me put things together, and it’s all looking good. I should be excited, but I’m annoyed. Annoyed that I wassoexcited for Miles to come, and now I don’t even know if he is. I wish I didn’t care, considering I haven’t heard a word from him since that day at the office.

If he does show up, at least I’ll look incredible in my little blue dress. I shouldn’t want him to notice, but I do. I want him to see me looking good, having a great time with my friends, and I want him to regret his radio silence.

Of course the romance writer in me is hoping for that outcome.

Ten people doesn’t seem like very many until they’re all sitting in my living room. Something I seem to forget every time I host. No one really seems to mind, they’re all chatting away, helping themselves to snacks and drinks. Opening all the windows hashelped, the cold air from outside negating all of the body heat in here.

I dressed up as a fairy, with a million blue details and wings to match. There’s so much glitter on my face it would blind anyone that dared to shine a light on me.

It’s perfect.

Reya and Vic show up looking like a picture straight out of a costume catalog. Reya is the cutest pink crayon I’ve ever seen, she doesn’t even need to use the hat that comes with hers thanks to her vibrant hair. Vic is beautiful as ever with a tight, black dress, and bunny ears.

If there was a costume contest, one of us would win it.

Miles is here and still not talking to me. He arrived late and now he sits the farthest from me across the table. It’s probably for the best, knowing if I got the urge to lean into him I wouldn’t stop myself. Not when I’m a couple of drinks in and my mind is already laser focused on his every breath.

He did go simple with his costume, throwing a lab coat and a stethoscope over his usual work scrubs. I like it a lot more than I should.

Warm breath on my ear interrupts my thoughts before I hear my neighbor, Ben, whisper to me.


He’s closer than he needs to be, but I don’t have any room on my other side to scoot away.

“You totally just flashed me your cards, and if you don’t put this one down next,” he points to one in my hand, “I’ll be very disappointed.”

I can’t help but let a laugh slip out at that. If I’d been paying better attention, thatwasthe card I’d play, so I’m slightly glad he noticed. My next move in this card game is notwhere my thoughts lie.

I go through the rest of it on autopilot. He occasionally leans in to whisper to me, even asking me about his own moves. I think he just wants the excuse to talk to me, and everyone seems to have picked up on it too. His sister whines at him to stop cheating, and she’s backed by Reya.

Miles looks a bit uncomfortable but he stays quiet the entire time.

I wish he wouldn’t. I want to hear his voice more than anyone else’s.


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