Page 21 of Mourning Wings

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Hereyes bore into mine and the edge of her blade rests against my skin.

Mychest heaves with rapid breaths, the rush of fear mingling inexplicably with a surge of something else entirely.

I’mnot supposed to feel this way—pinned beneath a knife, my life hanging in the balance.Butbeneath the fear, there’s a dangerous thrill that courses through me like electricity.

Thetension between us crackles like static in the air.

Ishould be terrified, fighting for my life against a masked assailant.Instead, a part of me wants to challenge her further, to see just how far she’ll go.

Sheleans in closer, the blade pressing lightly against my skin.

Iinhale sharply. “Youdon’t scare me.”

Herbreath warms my ear despite the fabric of her thin mask. “Whatare you really afraid of then,Valeria?” she taunts, her voice a seductive lure, andIfreeze at the mention of my name.

Sheknows whoIam.

Inthat moment, the line between fear and arousal blurs.

Shefixes her gaze on me, and slowly, almost reluctantly, removes the mask.

I’mmomentarily stunned into silence.

Thedim light of the passageway accentuates her features.

Herbeauty is disarming, almost hypnotic.Ifind myself unable to look away.

Hernose is perfectly sculpted, her lips plump and inviting.I’mdrawn to the subtle curve of her mouth, the way they part ever so slightly as she smirks at me.Thesmile, both mocking and enticing.

Aglint of metal catches my eye—a tongue piercing—andIlick my own lips subconsciously as my gaze lingers on hers.

Mywhole body shivers involuntarily.

HowcanIbe so entranced by someone who’s holding a knife to my throat?I’mtruly questioning my sanity.

“You’renot whatIexpected,” she remarks casually, her voice a velvet whisper. “You’reeven better.”

Herfingers toy with the handle of the knife asIstruggle to find my voice, torn between the urge to retreat and the inexplicable desire to get closer.

“Whoare you?”Iswallow hard, my pulse racing asIsearch for words that elude me.

Sheleans in, her breath brushing against my cheek. “Doesit matter?”

“Yes,”Ibreathe out.

Sheshakes her head. “Justfollow me.”

“WhyshouldItrust you?”Imanage to ask, turmoil rising within me.

“Becauseyou’re in danger,” she replies simply. “AndI’mthe only one who can help you.”

Iweigh her words carefully, assessing the sincerity in her eyes.TheWhitmoresandCamilaloom in the back of my mind.Shecould hold the key to unraveling their secrets.Oris she merely another player in this dangerous game?

IguessI’llhave to find out.



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