Page 20 of Mourning Wings

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Shescreams, the sound piercing the eerie silence, andIlunge forward, desperately trying to grab onto her.Myfingers brush against hers, but he’s too fast, dragging her with a chilling ease.Isabelkicks and struggles, her legs flailing as she tries to break free, butTheodorejust laughs—a dark, cruel sound that fills me with dread.

“Lether go!”Iyell, my voice raw with panic asIreach for her again, but it’s too late.Theother two brothers materialize from the shadows, each grabbing one of her legs, hoisting her up as if she weighs nothing.

“No!Isabel!”Icry out, chasing after them, my heart racing asItry to keep up.It’slike they’re moving faster than humanly possible, pulling her further and further away from me. “Whyaren’t you taking me too?”Ishout, desperation and confusion knotting in my stomach.

Astrong arm wraps around my waist, jerking me backward.Aleather glove clamps over my mouth, muffling my startled yelp.Ithrash wildly, but the grip is unyielding, andI’mpulled against a solid, immovable body.

Fearparalyzes me, but something about this hold is terrifyingly familiar.Mybody instinctively molds into my captor’s, likeI’msupposed to be there, and that realization makes my blood run cold.Mybreath comes in ragged gasps asItry to think of a way out, but my mind is a blur of panic.

Thegloved hand tightens around my throat, the leather pressing against my skin, cutting off my air supply.Irecognize this grip.It’sher.Itmust be her.

Myvision begins to blur asIstruggle to breathe, to stay conscious, but my strength is fading.Iwriggle against the hold, adrenaline surging through me, but my assailant is too powerful.Fearshoots through me, but there’s an odd thrill too, an unexpected rush.

Withthe last bit of energyIcan muster,Ibite down hard on the fingers over my mouth.Theperson lets out a sharp hiss of pain, their grip loosening just enough for me to wrench myself free.

Theworld tilts asIspin, panic rising like bile in my throat asIcome face-to-face with the woman from the basement.Mynext inhale falters asItake her in, the same skull mask covering half her face.

Hereyes, dark and penetrating, seem to bore into mine, sending prickles down my spine.Goosebumpsrise on my skin despite the adrenaline coursing through me.

Ourchests rise and fall in sync, the silence between us heavy with tension.Timeseems to stand still as we size each other up.

“Comewith me,” she says after a few silent beats.



I’mtoo stunned to respond.

Iback away instinctively, but she steps forward, her gloved hand reaching out as if to reclaim what she believes is hers.

Myfingers find the familiar shape of my pink, pointed kubotan in the waistband of my skirt, andIgrip it discreetly for reassurance.Iassumed they wouldn’t allow the guests to come in with actual weapons, so this was the next best thing.Itighten my hold on the stick, ready to defend myself, if necessary, but the masked woman doesn’t budge.

JustwhenIbegin to contemplate my next move, she surprises me.Inone swift motion, she whips out a knife and presses it against my throat, her eyes gleaming with a dangerous glint.

Fora moment,Ifreeze, caught off guard by her suddenness, but anger surges within me.

Ipivot, twisting her around and pinning her against the wall.

Myweapon is now at her neck, mirroring her threat.We’relocked in a deadly dance, each holding the other at bay.

“Whatdo you want from me?”Imanage to choke out.

Imeet her gaze head-on, searching for any hint of weakness, but instead,Ifind a glimmer of amusement in her dark eyes, as if she’s relishing the confrontation.

“Youpicked the wrong person to mess with,”Ihiss.

Shedoesn’t answer, but her eyes crinkle with a smile.

Finally, she speaks again, her voice steady despite the stick at her throat. “You’remore cunning thanIthought” she admits, a hint of admiration in her tone. “Butyou still have nothing on me.”

Thestranger’s leg sweeps under mine with a grace that almost makes me miss what’s happening.Theground slips away beneath my feet, and there’s a rush of air asItilt backward, my heart leaping into my throat.Butbefore panic can even set in,I’mcaught.

Herarm is there like it knows exactly whereI’llland.Sheguides me down as if we’re in some kind of twisted dance, her grip firm but not bruising.

Iblink up at her, half in shock, half in awe.

BeforeIcan do anything more, the cold steel of her knife presses against my chest, poking a hole through the fabric of my top.Igasp, my skin erupting in goosebumps.

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