Page 16 of Spellbound Souls

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I lead Naia towards the base of the towering volcano, its peak shrouded in ominous smoke. The air is thick with ash and sulfur, making each breath a challenge. I maintain a protective barrier around us, filtering out the worst of the noxious fumes.

"This place," I mutter, more to myself than to Naia, "it's saturated with ancient magic. Can you feel it?"

Naia nods, her eyes wide as she takes in our surroundings. The ground beneath our feet is black and porous, evidence of long-ago lava flows. Steam hisses from cracks in the earth, and in the distance, I hear the low rumble of the volcano's core.

"There's something here," I say, running my hand along a jagged rock formation. "Something old. Powerful. It's what's been calling to me."

We pick our way carefully across the treacherous terrain. The volcanic landscape is alien and foreboding, devoid of life savefor a few hardy, twisted plants clinging to existence in this harsh environment.

"I've heard stories," Naia says, her voice barely above a whisper, "about Kalyndria. They say no one comes here. That it's cursed."

I snort. "Cursed? No. But protected, perhaps. This magic... It's unlike anything I've encountered before. It's as if someone wanted to hide something here."

As we round a massive boulder, I spot an oddly shaped outcropping. It's too regular, too perfect to be natural. I approach it, my runes glowing brighter as I near.

"There," I say, pointing to a series of intricate markings carved into the stone. They're almost invisible, worn by time and the elements. "These aren't just decorations. They're wards. Powerful ones."

I trace the markings with my fingers, feeling the residual magic pulsing beneath my touch. "Whoever created these... They were trying to conceal something. Something big."

A theory begins to form in my mind. "What if... what if there are stones, artifacts of immense power, hidden here? Stones that could... could connect realms?"

Naia looks at me skeptically. "Stones? That's what we came all this way for?"

I shake my head, my excitement growing. "Not just any stones. Think about it. The pull I felt, the way your powers manifested... What if there are objects here that could open doorways between worlds? Between Protheka and... other places?"

The implications are staggering. If I'm right, this could change everything we know about the nature of our reality.

"We need to find a way past these wards," I say, my mind racing with possibilities. "The answers we seek, they're here. I can feel it."

"How do we do that?"

I roll shoulders, readying my muscles. "I'll get start unraveling the complex spellwork. But it will take time."



Ipick my way across the jagged volcanic rocks, careful not to lose my footing. The air's thick with sulfur, making my eyes water and my throat burn. Behind me, Kairos mutters incantations, his voice a low rumble that blends with the volcano's distant grumbling.

"Don't wander too far, little one," he calls out, not looking up from his work.

I roll my eyes. "I can take care of myself."

The terrain's treacherous, all sharp edges and unstable footing. But after years on Rach's unforgiving streets, I navigate it with practiced ease. My fingers trail along the rough rock face as I explore, feeling for any irregularities.

There. A slight indentation. I pause, squinting in the dim light. It's not natural - too smooth, too purposeful. I trace its edges, feeling it form a perfect circle.

"Kairos," I call out. "I think I found something."

He doesn't respond, lost in his spellwork. Fine. I'll investigate on my own.

I press against the circle, and to my surprise, it gives way. The rock face shudders, then splits open, revealing a hiddenpassage. Cool air rushes out, a stark contrast to the oppressive heat outside.

I hesitate for a moment, then step inside. The passage is narrow, barely wide enough for my shoulders. As my eyes adjust to the darkness, I notice strange symbols etched into the walls. They're not like any language I've seen before - all swirls and jagged lines that seem to shift when I'm not looking directly at them.

The tunnel opens up into a small chamber. More symbols cover every inch of the walls here, glowing faintly with an eerie blue light. In the center stands a stone pedestal, and on it...

"Holy shit," I breathe.

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